Linked Accounts Tab - WebTMA 5

Path: Admin > Client Info / Linked Accounts Tab

The Linked Accounts Tab is available in WebTMA Enterprise only. Linked Accounts can be used to track expenditures and collections for specific linked accounts on a global basis (Admin >Client Info), on a Repair Center basis (Organization > Repair Center), or both. If both are established, WebTMA looks first to the Repair Center and then to Client Info. If no account is available on the Repair Center or the transaction is not linked to the Repair Center, costs roll up to the Client Info / Linked Accounts window. During Receivings, costs roll up to the accounts established in the fields on these windows. 

The Default Cash Account # field is used to store the account number normally used for payments.

The Accounts are set up in the WebTMA Accounting > Accounts window. A separate Account must be established for each of the following Accounts that are established:

  • Accounts Payable Expense or Cost of Sales Account for Freight
  • Accounts Payable Discounts Taken on Invoices
  • Accounts Receivable Income Account for Freight on Sales Orders
  • Accounts Receivable Collected Markup
  • Accounts Receivable Discounts Given

You can use the same Account number on more than one Linked Account. Accounts previously marked as Reserved will remain reserved; however, you can set this manually by clearing the Reserved Account check box on the Accounts record.

At your discretion, Linked Account numbers can be reserved for specific uses such as Freight, Markup, or Discounts. This designation is made on the Account window using the Reserved Account check box.

The Account popup window respects Reserved Accounts by excluding them from all selection windows except Client Info, Tax Rates, and Repair Center windows. When the Accounts popup is opened from the Client, Tax Rates, and Repair Center windows, an All reserved category is available to allow you to see all Reserved Accounts.

Changing or unlinking an Account that has amounts in it will not zero out the Account. Amounts cannot be moved from a Linked Account to other Accounts.

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