Client Info Preferences Tab - WebTMA 5

Path: Admin > Client Info / Preferences Tab

The options on the Client Info / Preferences Tab are used to determine how your organization utilizes WebTMA. For example, if you use approval routing, you would mark the Approval Routing System check box in the Approval Routing Preferences section. The list is extensive, but it has been divided into general sections to help you find options that apply to your circumstances. Use the vertical scroll bar to view all check boxes.

The next topics define each selection and are titled with the headings that display on the window.

Base Module

Time Zone. Select the time zone for the entire organization. In the database, all date-time fields on records created by users are stored as GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).

      The application checks three hierarchy levels: User, Client Info, and default (U.S. Central Time zone). A time zone set for a User record has priority over the Client Info time zone.

Date Format. Select date format reflected in the application from the four options available: MM/dd/yyyy; dd/MM/yyyy; dd.MM.yyyy; or yyyy/MM/dd.

Location Hierarchy Start At. Click the down arrow in this field to set the highest level in the location hierarchy for your organization.

Default New Queries to Private. Mark this check box to make a custom browse query private by default. This setting restricts a custom query to the person who created it and reduces the list of named queries. By limiting queries to private, you reduce the query list available to general users. A shorter list also allows individuals to find their personal queries more easily. In conjunction with this option, you can mark the Admin > User Management > Records / Preferences Tab to enable the Create Private Queries Only check box. When marked, users cannot clear the Private check box when they create queries.

Free Form Status. Check this box to allow users to add unrestricted text to the Status field in various windows.

Hide Online Help. Mark this check box to remove the Help button from the WebTMA toolbar. Other online help options from the Help menu remain available.

Dispatcher Email. Add an e-mail address to this field if you want request responses sent from a particular e-mail address. The address in this field is used as the "From" address when either Request Log or Request Log B work requests are accepted or rejected.

MyPage Type.  Select the type of MyPage display that meets your organization's need. The Classic option uses HTML 4.01, and the Modern option uses HTML 5. The Silverlight application is no longer actively supported by Microsoft and does not include an Export (to Excel) button. You can change the MyPage Type setting on individual User records and Technician records as well.

Remove Tutorials. When checked, the Tutorials pane is removed from the Action Menu. The same check box is available on the User Management / Preferences Tab, Requestors / Data Access-Preferences Subtab, Technician / User Access-Preferences Subtab, and Vendor / User Access-Preferences Subtab for contractors. If the Remove Tutorials setting on any of the other windows is different from the Client Info / Preferences, the other window settings take precedence over Client Info / Preferences.

Session Timeout. Enter the number of minutes (10 – 120) of inactivity before the logged-in user’s session expires in WebTMA.

Work Week Start. By default, WebTMA uses Sunday as the first day of the week for search and report results. If your organization uses a different first day of the week, select it here. The setting affects query and Browse results when you search against This Week, Last Week, and Next Week.

Fiscal Year

Starting Month of Fiscal Year. Click the down arrow in this field to set the month your organization's fiscal year begins. This affects the year-to-date (YTD) calculations found on all Cost Tabs as well as the Vendor / Identity Tab (Purchases YTD) and the Part / Identity Tab (Used YTD and Received YTD).

      For YTD calculations, the WebTMA servers use U.S. Central Time zone to determine the date. YTD is calculated from the beginning of the designated month. If no month is designated, WebTMA uses January as the starting month.

Format Keyword. Use this field to determine the fiscal year date format. Click the down arrow, select a term, and click the Insert button to add the following to the next field, Fiscal Year Format. More than one keyword can be inserted, such as <YB>-<Ey>.

      Sy (lower case y) fiscal year starting year with century (2012)

      SY (upper case Y) fiscal year starting year without century (12)

      Ey (lower case y) fiscal year ending year with century (2013)

      EY (upper case Y) fiscal year ending year without century (13)

      YB Year Begin date using date format preference (07/01/2013)

      YE Year End using date format preference (06/30/2012)

Fiscal Year Format. Click the Insert button adjacent to the Format Keyword field or type text for fiscal year display. If entering manually, be sure to use the proper format, such as 'Fiscal <YB>-<YE>'.

Login Preference

Enable the SSL Connection. If your network setup requires a Secure Socket Layer, set the appropriate URL link so WebTMA can pass through your organization's security layer.

LDAP Login. Mark this check box if you use the LDAP login system.

Default LDAP setting for user import. Select the source if you use the user/requestor records created through the import web service.

Allow URL Login Access. This check box is used if you have a special class of users who do not need to log in to TMA. When this box is checked, requestors use a special URL, which does not require a Login ID or Password. See Login without ID and Password on page 2 for information about the feature.

      If the check box is clear, all WebTMA users must have a valid Login ID and Password for successful login.

      This option has mixed compatibility if LDAP is also used. Some users can have this option and others can use LDAP; however, if the LDAP check box is marked on the User record, that person cannot use a URL Login.

Allow Remote Network Login. Mark this check box to use the remote login capabilities of WebTMA.

Remote Network Login Key. If you use remote login, enter the character string that is used when you configure settings outside WebTMA.

Prevent Automatic Session Timeout. Select ‘Yes’ to allow users' sessions to remain active until logout or until users close their browser. A similar setting on the User Management > Records / Preferences window can override this setting for individual users.

Allow New SSO User Access. Mark this check box to allow users that do not exist in WebTMA to connect if their SSO credentials are accepted. If the box is empty, only users that already exist in WebTMA can log in. If checked, unknown users are connected using rules for the role selected in the Default SSO User Settings. Rules are established for these roles in the Group window.

Max Password Attempts Before Lockout. Enter the maximum number of times a user can enter an incorrect password before they are locked out of the system. This applies to User, Vendor, Technician, and Requestor log in.

Time in Minutes to Lock User Out (0 for Indefinite). Enter the amount of time a User, Contractor, Technician, or Requestor is locked out of the system after entering an incorrect password for the defined number of times.

      Leave the field blank or type the number 0 (zero) to prevent further login and require another user with appropriate permission to clear the Locked Out check box on the User Management > Records / Identity Tab, Requestors / Identity Tab, Repair Center > Technician / Identity Tab, or Material > Vendors / Identity Tab in order to allow the person to log in again.

WO Prefs

Do Not Allow PMs to Slide. Mark this check box to prevent a 'slide' in the date on PMs when performed after the due date. For example, if PMs are not allowed to slide and a monthly PM is performed a week late, the next PM is scheduled for three weeks in the future rather than four weeks. This does not apply to floating, fixed day, or 5 day work week PMs.

Show Bar Code. Mark this check box to have bar codes print on the work order.

Print PM Task Sheet on Separate Page. Use this option to automatically print the PM task sheet with the work order on a separate page. This applies to all print formats.

Do Not Print Work Order if Not Authorized. Mark this check box if you want to prevent users from printing work orders until the work is authorized.

Add Task Description to Action Requested. Mark this check box to populate the work order Action Requested field with the task description.

Update WO Status on Completion/Finish. Mark this check box to populate the Work Order Status field when you create a work order, or when a complete or finish date is entered in the Completion Date or Finish Date fields.

      As soon as a new work order record is saved, the term ‘Created’ automatically displays in the Status field. The field does not reflect the term ‘Completed’ orFinished’ until completion or finish dates are entered.

Enforce Work Order RC for Task Code RC. Use the repair center that applies to the work order rather than the repair center associated with the task code.

Force a Trade for Each Task. Require that each task on a work order have a trade.

Remote Print Work Order per Trade. Mark this option if you want to restrict the number of times a work order is printed for a Trade. When checked, multi-task work orders print once for each Trade, regardless of the number of tasks assigned to the Trade.

Require all master checks to be processed before closing work order. Select this option to assure that the master check list is completed before closing the work order. If this preference is used, a work order cannot be saved with a completion or finish date unless all master check list items have been documented on the work order.

Load Single Task WO on Double Click. Mark this check box if you want the Single Task Work Order window to open when work order links are clicked from windows such as Equipment or when using the Create Work Order link on the Action Menu. This does not apply to menu selections.

Filter Item by Location. Mark this check box to restrict the item selection list (equipment, vehicle, asset, group, tool, entity, biomed, IT equipment) to items located in or linked directly to the location. This applies to Multi-Task Work Orders, Single Task Work Orders, and Quick Work Orders. When the item is selected first, the location can be changed without removing the selected item from the field, only from the drop-down list.

Task Sheet

No task sheet in WO results. Select this radio button if you do not want an option to include a task sheet with the Results Tab on a work order.

Include task sheets for all WO in results? Select this radio button to prompt users with the option to include the completed task sheet results in the text field on the Results Tab for every work order. You have the option of reminders when the finish date is entered, when the completion date is entered, or both.

Finish Date. Mark this check box if you want a reminder when work is finished.

Completion Date. Mark this check box if you want a reminder when the work order is completed.

Include task sheets for PM only WO in results? Select this radio button to prompt users with the option to include the completed task sheet results in the text field on the Results Tab for PM work orders only. You have the option of reminders when the finish date is entered, when the completion date is entered, or both.

Finish Date. Mark this check box if you want a reminder when work is finished.

Completion Date. Mark this check box if you want a reminder when the work order is completed.

Approval Routing Preference

Approval Routing System. Mark this check box if you plan to use the Approval Routing feature.

Modern Approval Routing Execution. Check this box if you also want to use the enhanced Approval Routing System that enables multiple criteria selection.

Authorization URL Type. These options determine the type of link the authorizer clicks to authorize a transaction.

  • WebTMA Classic takes the authorizer to the WebTMA Login page.
  • WebTMA Custom applies if your organization uses a Network Login. When selected, an additional field opens for you to enter the actual URL.
  • iSD takes the authorizer to iServiceDesk to authorize the transaction.

Materials Management

Include Freight in Unit Cost. Mark this check box if you always want to include freight charges in the unit cost of an item. The freight charge is applied to the average cost of a Part to calculate a new average cost.

      WebTMA calculates the average quantity including freight using this formula:

      (existing value + incoming value)/ (existing qty + incoming qty)

      The following example shows how the new average cost is calculated:

      Part 1 has average cost of $10, current qty 10

      Received order for Part 1 with freight cost of $10 and qty 2

      Existing value ($10 * 10 = $100)

      Incoming value (2 * $10 + $10 freight = $30)

      New Average cost  (100 + 30) / (10 + 2) = $10.84

      In WebTMA Enterprise using the Invoicing module, freight cost is applied when the invoice is matched. In non-Enterprise or if Invoicing is not used, the freight is applied during receiving.

Include Pass Thru Tax in Unit Cost. Check this box if you include the pass-through tax in unit costs. The tax is applied to the average cost of a Part to calculate a new average cost. The following formula is used:

      (existing value + incoming value)/ (existing qty + incoming qty)

      The following example shows how the new average cost is calculated:

      Part 1 has average cost of $10, current qty 10

      Received order for Part 1 with 10% pass-thru tax and qty 2

      Existing value ($10 * 10 = $100)

      Incoming value ((2 * 10) + (2 * 10 * 10%) / 100 = $22)

      New Average cost  (100 + 22) / (10 + 2) = $10.17

      In WebTMA Enterprise using the Invoicing module, tax is applied when the invoice is matched. In non-Enterprise or if Invoicing is not used, the tax is applied during receiving.

      For P-Cards, pass-through tax is applied when the P-Card transaction is reconciled.

Require full distribution to work order. When all items on all Purchase Requisitions must be distributed to work orders, mark this box.

Maximum Reorder value that should be Auto-Approved. If you use the Materials module of WebTMA, certain items can be ordered automatically. A dollar amount in this field allows the system to send a reorder that does not exceed value.

Default PO Type Used for Reorders. Select the type of purchase order used by default when generating reorders for supplies or parts.

Filter Parts by Repair Center when adding PO/PR line. Mark this check box to set the default on the Purchase Order Part popup window. This window opens when you add a line to the PO. Unless checked on the Admin / Preferences window, the check box is not available on the popup.

Set Unit Measure Field as Drop Down Field. This option relates to the Parts record Issue Unit and Order Unit fields. Mark this check box if you want to restrict users to the unit types you establish in Organization > Lookups. This assures that all measurements are standardized and follow the nomenclature used by your organization.

Require Signature on Material Transactions. Mark this check box if you want the Signature window to open automatically when creating records for those modules that allow a Signature.

Prevent Duplicate Supplier. Check this option to prevent the same supplier from being listed multiple times on the Supplier Tab of the Part record. Use caution when applying this option. In most cases, there are legitimate reasons to list the vendor more than once.

Signature Pad Type. Select the type of signature device you use. Browser uses the built-in window in WebTMA, and the mouse serves as a stylus. Topaz accommodates some external signature units made by Topaz Systems. This applies to both the Material Management and Keys modules.

SKU pricing for PO. Mark this check box if you want the Unit Cost field on the Purchase Order Entry popup window to default to the standard cost for the SKU when the part is associated with a Warehouse. If the part is not affiliated with a Warehouse or if the check box is clear, the field defaults to the last purchase price for the part. NOTE: The Parts / Locations Tab Average Cost column is updated only if this Preference is checked, i.e., the Average Cost column is populated and reportable only when this box is checked.

SKU pricing for issuing WO/SO. Mark this check box if you want the Unit Cost field on the Material Request Entry popup window or the Sales Order Entry popup window to default to the standard cost for the SKU when the part is associated with a Warehouse. If the check box is clear, the field defaults to the part cost.

      This also applies when you add line items to the Quick Post Cost window and the Quick Post Material window.

WO Prefs for Materials Management

Allow Distributions to Completed Work Order. If checked, existing purchase distributions can remain open on closed work orders.

Project Management

Project Gantt Type. Select the type of display you want for Project Gantt charts. The Classic option uses HTML 4.01, and the Modern option uses HTML 5. With Modern selected, users with the appropriate permissions can Edit the chart. The Silverlight application is no longer actively supported by Microsoft and does not include the Edit feature. These selections are also available for User / Preferences. The User settings take precedence over the Client Info settings.

Include PO Cost in Project Cost Rollup. When the check box is marked, the total actual cost of POs is included in the Project / Cost & Budgeting Tab cost rollups.

Service Request

Disable Location-based URL Login. Mark this check box to disable the Generate Request URL link on the Action Menu found with location windows (Facility, Building, Floor, and Area). This blocks use of the Simple Service Request function.

Time Management

Scheduler Type. Select the type of display you want to use for the Scheduler window. 'Modern' displays the schedule using Kendo HTML5 Gantt. Using 'Modern' gives you a graphic display that avoids using Silverlight, which has been deprecated by Microsoft.  If a selection is made on a User record for User Management / Preferences, the user setting takes priority over the Client Info / Preference setting.

Report Writer

Default Report Format. Select .PDF, HTML or Image. The default is .PDF. Individual users can override the global setting. The .PDF option is also the user default.

Default Print Size. Select the default size paper in your printer such as A4 or 8-1/2 x 11.

Default Printer. Select a printer where commands to print are sent if no other printers are designated. You can specify the printer used for either Work Orders or Work Order Batch List.

      WebTMA looks first to the Shop record, then the Repair Center, and finally to the default printer in Client Info. WebTMA uses the first printer found.

      For multi-task work orders with different shops and repair centers, the individual tasks are printed to the related shop or repair center if they have a designated printer.

      When you click Print on the WebTMA toolbar, you always have the option to use the local printer.

Facility Resource Scheduler

Filter Event Resource by Rentability. Mark this option if you want to limit resources used for an event to those that are marked as rentable.

General Inspections

Create General Inspection to Item. This relates to the Create Inspection to Item check box on the Organization > General Inspections > Inspection Form / Identity Tab. When this box is marked in Client Info / Preferences, the related check box on new records created from Inspection Form is automatically checked. If not checked here, the Inspection Form can be marked on new records, but it is not checked by default.

      Regardless of whether the check box is marked in Client Info / Preferences, the related check box on the Inspection Form / Identity Tab can be checked or cleared by the user for new Inspection Form records.

Display Location on Inspection Form/Sheet. Mark this check box preference to add a new column on the General Inspections > Inspection Form / Layout Tab for each inspection item. The Location column includes the following: Facility Name, Building Name, Floor Code, and Area Unit ID. These Location details also display in parenthesis on the Inspection Sheet.

Require all inspection checks to be done before closing/finishing work order. Use this option if you want all Inspection checks to be completed before a work order can be closed. When this option is checked, a work order cannot be closed from any window (Work Order or Quick Post) until all inspections are marked.


If you subscribe to ECRI services, use these fields to enter the identifying information. Alternatively, you can restrict ECRI access by adding this information to specific user records from Admin > User Management > Records/ Preferences Tab.

ECRI User Name. Enter the User Name assigned by ECRI as part of the credentials needed to access ECRI web services.

ECRI Password. Enter the Password assigned by ECRI as part of the credentials needed to access ECRI web services.

ECRI Organization ID. Enter the Organization ID assigned by ECRI as part of the credentials needed to access ECRI web services.


Custodian Weekly Hours. Enter the number of hours you expect most custodians will work.

Custodial Avg Hourly Rate. This option is applied to estimate reports. It represents the average rate a client is charged for an hour's worth of custodial work.


Default Base Map. If you use the optional GIS module, select the map you want to see by default when you look at maps from GIS and Map View.

ArcGIS Online Username. Enter your online user name assigned by ArcGIS.

ArGIS Online Password. Enter your online password assigned by ArcGIS.

Esri GIS

GIS Geometry Server URL. Enter the URL.

GIS Geocode Service URL. Enter the URL.

Default Map. Select the map that is typically used when you use the optional WebTMA GIS module with Esri data.


If you use the optional Training module, this field applies.

Training E-mail Lookahead Days. Add the number of days in advance to send scheduling notification.

Advanced Accounting

Applies to the Advanced Accounting function in the Enterprise version only and concerns requestor review of billing.

Enable Pending Charges Dispute. Mark this check box if you wish to allow specific users to review/dispute billing charges before posting.

Pending Charges Review/Dispute URL Type. When WebTMA notifies end users via email that charges are ready for review/dispute, this setting determines where to direct the end users.

      These options determine the type of link the reviewer clicks.

  • WebTMA Classic takes the reviewer to the WebTMA Login page.
  • WebTMA Custom applies if your organization uses a Network Login. When selected, an additional field opens for you to enter the actual URL.
  • iSD takes the reviewer to iServiceDesk to authorize the transaction.


iSD Server Name. Type the name of the server used for iSD. Only used within WebTMA when generating survey e-mails that include a link to iSD.

iSD Server Protocol. Use this field to select whether you want to use the http:// or https:// protocol when communicating with your iSD users.

iSD Server Port. Type the Server Port used for iSD. Only used within WebTMA when generating survey e-mails that include a link to iSD.

iSD Client Key. Used to authorize the connection similar to the Client Key on the Network Login page.

iSD Allow Anonymous Users. Check if you allow users to use iSD with a common login.

iSD Anonymous User. Enter the common iSD login ID.

iSD Notification Address. Enter the address to which notices are sent. If the field is populated, an e-mail is automatically sent to the address whenever a work request is created in iSD.

Advanced HR

Advanced HR options are available with WebTMA Enterprise version only.

Filter Time Type by Work Group. Mark this check box to filter available Time Types for technicians to the Time Types assigned to their Work Group.

Advanced Materials Management

Allow Purchase Order Invoicing. When this preference is checked, the Invoicing feature can be used on a purchase order by purchase order basis.


Currency options are available when you use the optional Currency module with WebTMA Enterprise.

Multi-Currency Active. Mark this check box to allow conversion of values from one currency to another.

Functional Currency. Select the currency you use primarily. The selections are available once you create currency records from Accounting > Currency.

Reporting Currency. Select the currency you want to show in reports. The selections are available once you create currency records from Accounting > Currency.

Remove or Modify Exchange Rates. If you use exchange rates, mark this check box to allow them to be changed.


Account Payable Invoicing. If you allow invoicing for accounts payable, check this box and any of the subsidiary check boxes that apply (Project Requisition, Utility Bill, and/or Work Order).

Account Receivable Invoicing. If you allow invoicing for accounts receivable, check this box and any of the subsidiary check boxes that apply (Fuel and Oil, Sales Order, Rental, Expense Ticket, Utility Bill, and/or Work Order).

StarRez Integration

StarRez Project. Select your StarRez project type from the drop-down list. This must be done prior to starting the service.

StarRez Request Type. Select the StarRez request type from the drop-down. This must be done prior to starting the service.

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