Use the Action Menu links to view additional information about the Work Order, create linked Work Orders, and make other changes to the record. Many Work Order Action Menu links apply exclusively to optional modules.
This link applies to users of the Notification & Escalation module and creates a trail of accountability. On the Notification & Escalation window, mark the Require Acknowledgment check box. When checked, the Technician who receives the escalated notice must select the Acknowledge link on the Work Order Action Menu to say that he or she has received the notice.
Look to the Task Information Section on the Work Order / Identity Tab for the Acknowledged Date.
Add to Deferment Queue
This link is available if you use the optional Capital Planning module. If a standard Work Order has been added to the system and the work requested is more extensive than expected, you may not have the funds to complete it from your current operating budget. In this case, it can be added to the Capital Planning Browse window using the Add to Deferment Queue link.
The Authorize link is used to approve a record and allow the action to be taken. Frequently, a record will display AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED on the interface. If so, select the Authorization link to open the Authorization flyout to enter the appropriate information.
Regardless of the approval system used, your WebTMA System Administrator sets up the requirements. The link is found on the Action Menu of many windows such as Work Order, Estimate, and Purchase Requisitions/Orders.
Cancel WO
Select the link to cancel an existing Work Order. There are NO warnings. As soon as you invoke the action, the entire Work Order is Closed and the following actions occur:
- Work Order record is marked as No Charge.
- All Tasks are marked as Work Not Done.
- All Tasks are Closed.
- Work Order Status is set to Canceled.
- Most charges remain; however, if a Biomed Flat Rate from Make/Model is displayed on the Cost–Other Section, the Flat Rate charge is cleared.
- Any special requirements, such as All Checks Required, are ignored.
Use of this link is limited to those that have Edit or View access and also have the User Preference Allow to Populate Work Order Close Date granted. The Cancel WO option is invisible by default, but your WebTMA System Administrator can make it visible.
Check PM
The Check PM link opens the Batch Job Entry flyout to search for PMs due for the current item. Use the Batch Job Entry flyout to look for PMs that pertain specifically to the item or location named in the current Work Order.
The Batch Job Entry flyout lists any PMs due for the item or lowest location level. You can select one or more of those PMs for generation.
The list applies to PMs on the current item only. For example, if this is a Work Order on an Equipment item that requires extensive work, WebTMA checks for PMs for that item. You have the option to select the applicable PMs to be generated.
Use of this link is limited to those who have been granted the specific right to generate PMs.
Check Results
Some Tasks have associated Checklists. When you select a Work Order Task with a Checklist, the Checklist is available from the Check Results link on the Action Menu.
You may not be allowed to save the Work Order record as closed or finished until the Checklist is completed. This is true if your organization grants the Client Info / Preferences–Require All Master Checks to be Processed Before Closing/Finishing Work Order line.
If you have added results and need to change the values, select the Not Checked radio button to clear the values and Comment. When the Not Checked radio button is marked and no other values display for the row (Comments, etc.), the line is unassigned from the Technician; however, if the Technician has added Comments or a value for the row, the row is assigned to the Technician.
You can mark a few checks at a time as information is available. From the desired Work Order in View mode:
- Select the Check Results Action menu link to open the Check Results flyout.
- Complete the Check Result Search Criteria Section.
- Choose the Enter Check Results button to load the Check Results Section.
- Select the applicable radio button for each line item: Pass, Fail, or Not Checked.
- Enter a Value if a field is open in the Value column.
- Accept the default Date or change it.
- Add Comment if needed.
- Choose the Save button on the window.
At any time, you can select the Save button on the flyout to save your entries. If you close without saving, your Pass/Fail information is not saved.
Close WO
If all required information is completed, such as a Checklist, select this link to close the Work Order.
Use of this link is limited to those that have Edit or View access and also have the User Preference Allow to Populate Work Order Close Date granted.
The Close WO option is invisible by default, but your WebTMA System Administrator can make it visible.
from Admin > Form Attributes > System Form Attributes (Action Menu Items Section).
Create AP Invoice
If you use the optional Invoicing module with WebTMA Plus, select this link to open the Accounts Payable Invoice window in a separate browser tab where you can create an invoice for this Work Order.
Create AR Invoice
If you use the optional Invoicing module with WebTMA Plus, select this link to open the Accounts Receivable Invoice window in a separate browser tab where you can create an AR Invoice for this Work Order.
Create Linked WO
Use the Create Linked WO link when work must be performed by more than one Repair Center. Since a Work Order can be assigned to only one Repair Center, create a linked Work Order when the original Repair Center has completed its part.
When you select the Create Linked WO link, WebTMA transfers basic information about the work to the new Work Order. This is similar to making a copy of the Work Order, but the new Work Order is linked to the original. If you have designated a Status in Lookups for Linked WO, WebTMA adds that status to the new Work Order. If no Status is marked as the default, the new Work Order retains the Status of the previous Work Order.
When the new linked Work Order is saved, WebTMA automatically marks the original Work Order as Closed.
A Linked WO field in the More Information Section shows the original Work Order number. In addition, the Linked WO Tab displays a history with details of the original Work Order. Since more than one link can be created, the Linked WO Tab includes all previous linked Work Orders listed in the sequence they were linked.
In View mode, Create Linked WO is available in the following circumstances:
- the Work Order is not Closed
- the Work Order is not linked to another Work Order
The following information is not copied to the linked Work Order:
- Schedules
- Costs
- Required Parts
- Comments (from the Results Tab)
- Authorization
Create Redirect WO
If a Work Order is charged to an incorrect account or is tied to the wrong Repair Center, you can use the Create Redirect WO link to automatically close the current Work Order and copy it to a new Work Order including all line items. It does not retain Allocated Parts from the original Work Order.
Before original information is transferred to the new Work Order, WebTMA checks for other requirements. A message alerts you if any requirements such as Comments or Resolutions are outstanding. Until requirements are met, the Work Order cannot be closed or redirected.
When the Work Order is eligible to be redirected, WebTMA closes the original Work Order and enters a reversal for all line items on the original Work Order. For example, if a $20 labor line existed on the original Work Order, WebTMA enters another labor line item for a negative $20. If the charges have been posted, you can also redirect to a new Work Order. As long as the transaction is in balance, the posting zeroes out the original charges to the proper accounts on the original Work Order.
If Parts or Tools have been allocated to this Work Order, all allocated items are set to zero on the original Work Order. Note: No Allocated Parts are sent to the new Work Order.
When you select the Create Redirect WO link, WebTMA alerts you with a confirmation message that describes the actions that take place during redirect.
If the Work Order has Purchase Order distribution lines, a second message displays three options:
- Clear the distributions and mark as closed
- Do not clear distributions and mark as closed (i.e., the distribution line remains open on the closed Work Order)
- Do not clear distributions and do not mark as closed, i.e., cancel the redirect
If you choose to redirect, WebTMA closes the original Work Order and sets the balance of any Allocated Parts or Tools to zero.
The new Work Order contains most of the information from the original Work Order except for schedules and authorization. Look to the Reference # field in the More Information Section to see the number of the 'old' Work Order. The new Work Order status is set to “Redirect WO.” All costs for the original Work Order are zeroed out on the previous Work Order and carried over to the new Work Order.
In addition, the Reference # field on the 'old' Work Order displays the new Work Order number.
NOTE: Be sure your WebTMA System Administrator has created a Lookups > Status Type with the Redirect WO check box marked. The check box can only be applied to one Status Type.
For WebTMA Plus users, this link is related to Accounting > Post Charges > Pending Charges Review/Dispute. If charges on the Work Order are in dispute, select the Dispute link to add a Dispute Comment on the Dispute flyout.
Select the Estimates link as a quick way to open the Estimates window.
If the Estimates Required option has been chosen for the Repair Center assigned to Work Orders, an Estimate must be completed before Work Orders can be printed.
Key Adj
If the Work Order concerns the optional Keys module, you can select the Key Adj link to open the Key Adjustments window and make an adjustment for the key.
For a list of symbols used for lines on the Costs Tab, select the Legend link on the Action Menu. WebTMA Plus users also have the option to make adjustments to labor costs. In WebTMA Plus, a gold dollar sign on a labor line indicates the cost has been adjusted for that line. This is the same symbol used in WebTMA Plus Quick Post windows when a labor adjustment is made. In View mode on the Costs Tab, choose the gold dollar sign for a Labor Adjustment flyout that displays the details of the adjustment.
Manual Routing
Manual routing is a fast way to get approval when your organization uses the Approval Routing System. Use of the link follows the same principles as regular approval routes, but Manual Routes apply only to one record and are used when you do not plan to apply the route repeatedly.
With Manual Routing, you create a route on-the-fly from a record. You can also select an existing route for the Manual Route. The difference between Manual Routing and the established routes is that the Manual Route is not re-used.
Post Cost
Use this link to quickly post costs to a Work Order.
In View mode:
- Locate the desired record.
- Select the Post Cost link on the Action Menu.
- Enter new cost lines on the Work Order Cost Entry flyout.
- Select the Save button on the flyout.
- Choose Save on the WebTMA toolbar.
Once you select the link, WebTMA automatically puts the record in Edit mode, displays the Costs Tab, and opens the Work Order Cost Entry flyout. All you have to do is enter the costs.
NOTE: The logged in User must have Work Order editing privileges to use this link.
Post Down Time
If an item on a Work Order must be taken out of service to perform a job, for example to repair an elevator, use the Post Down Time link to show the date and time the item will be down. When the job is done, select the link again to re-open the window, and add the date and time it is returned to service (Up Time).
Post Meter Reading
For Work Orders involving metered items, select the Post Meter Reading link to add readings taken at the time you performed the job.
Post This WO
Use the Post This WO link to create a Batch Job for one Work Order. It is similar to the Check PM link on the Work Order Action Menu.
When you select Post This WO, WebTMA first checks to be sure the record can be posted. If the Work Order is not chargeable or has already been posted, the following message alerts you: "Sorry, this transaction did not qualify for posting."
If the Work Order can be posted, the Batch Job Entry flyout opens. All transaction check boxes, except Work Order, are cleared and the Work Order number displays in the Transaction # field.
Once you select the Submit button, WebTMA displays a message that says, “Post Charge has been successfully set up.”
The Admin > Batch Management window displays the number of the Work Order in a column labeled WO# SO#.
Return And Repair
This is an easy way to open the Returns & Repairs window and enter the information for an item that is returned for replacement or repair. The item for which the Work Order was created is automatically added to the grid at the bottom of the Returns & Repairs window.
In View mode, the Return And Repair link on the Work Order Action Menu is available in the following circumstances:
- the Work Order applies to a returnable item such as Equipment, Vehicle, Asset, Tool, Entity, Biomed, or IT Equipment, AND
- no return record exists for the item
Send Survey
When the Send Survey link is enabled, you can send or re-send an electronic survey. If the survey has been sent in the past, an alert gives you the option to re-send the survey or cancel the action. Once a survey has been completed, it cannot be submitted again. If you re-send a link for a completed survey, the person who attempts to complete the survey will get an error.
The following must be true in order to enable the link:
The Repair Center for the Work Order has a customer survey established.
The Work Order is Closed.
An Email address is entered on the Work Order.
The logged-in User has the User Preference Send Manual Customer Survey granted.
If all the requirements are met, use the link to send the survey manually.
Show Audit History
The Show Audit History link opens the Audit History flyout. When values in a field have been changed, the initial view on the flyout shows the modification Date, User, and Transaction Type. Expand a line to open a second tier for more details.
The second tier fields show:
- Field Name
- Old Value
- New Value
- Record Type
Supervisor Signoff
This link applies to the optional General Inspections module.
The link is enabled when the following conditions are true:
- User is in View mode
- Allow Work Order Signoff is granted in User Management / Preferences Tab – Privileges Section.
- The Work Order has not already been signed off.
When the link is selected, WebTMA checks the current Work Order to see if it is an Inspection record with corrective Work Orders. If corrective Work Orders have been created, WebTMA checks to see if all corrective work has been signed off. When the correctives have not been completed, a message alerts you with the message: Please sign off on all corrective work orders first.
If all correctives have been signed off, then WebTMA signs off the current Work Order and records the current user's name and the current date/time of the signoff.
When complete, WebTMA notifies you that the signoff was successful and disables the Supervisor Signoff link in the Action Menu.
Survey Results
Select the Survey Results link to review responses to electronic surveys or enter results from printed surveys.
The Tracking link opens the Status Tracking flyout. Use Status Tracking to add or review changes in the status of the related Work Order, Project, Purchase Order, Equipment, and similar windows.
Windows with a Status field have the Tracking link. Any time a status is changed on the record it is also visible on the Status Tracking flyout.
You also have the option to select the Add Status Entry link on the Status Tracking flyout to open the Add Status flyout and insert your own status line.
Update Condition
The Update Condition link is enabled if the Work Order is attached to any of the maintenance-worthy items listed below. Use the link to revise the item records.
Items that are eligible are:
- Equipment
- Vehicle
- Asset
- Tool
- Biomed Equipment
- IT Equipment
You can update any of these fields on the Update Condition flyout:
- Inventory Date
- Inventory Technician
- Last Inventory Location
- Inventory Condition
If current values exist, they are displayed in the fields. Any changes made and saved on this window overwrite the existing values on the maintenance-worthy item's record.