Path: Main Menu > About WebTMA GO
Look to this window to verify the logged in user, URL, version number, and other information about WebTMA GO installed on your iPad.
Overview of WebTMA GO
WebTMA GO delivers some of the most commonly used WebTMA functions on the Apple iPad.
Many windows are similar to WebTMA, but accommodations have been made for the Apple iOS. One difference is that existing records open in Edit mode.
Whether a technician can edit the record depends on the privileges established for his or her user record in WebTMA. In order to use WebTMA GO, the Access selected on the Technician’s user record must be WebTMA GO. When it is selected, the Admin > User Management / Mobile Access Tab includes a WebTMA GO Subtab. Finally, privileges must be granted on the WebTMA GO Subtab in order for the technician to have access to the windows in WebTMA GO. Setting up a Technician for WebTMA GO is discussed in the separate WebTMA GO Install document.
At login, static data is downloaded or refreshed. The Data Manager window also includes a Refresh Static Data button.
You can refresh data for transactional records using the sync icon on the Home Page or list windows. The refresh action updates static data and downloads any new jobs to the iPad.
When completed with valid data, saved new and edited records are automatically uploaded to the server if you have a WiFi or Cellular connection; however, they are not removed from the device for 24 hours. If you have completed a job and want to remove it sooner, you can use the Clear or Delete actions depending on whether you want to remove all line items from a list (Clear) or individual lines (Delete).
As designed, the iPad orientation is horizontal, but the application can accommodate a vertical view. When looking at windows vertically, you may have to scroll more often to see all columns.
The application and updates are downloaded from the App Store.