Path: Main Menu > Inventory Items
The options from the Inventory Items menu derive primarily from the Organization menu in WebTMA, with the exception of Tool.
Use the Spotlight search field to download records to the list window. If the item is found, information you enter for the description and the type/subtype is not saved.
If you create a new record and receive a Duplicate Tag Number error, you may not have proper access to the location or repair center.
Inventory Windows Layout
The record windows for each menu option have the same basic information:
- Identity Tab
- Linked Photos Tab
- Linked Documents Tab
Most of the fields on these windows in WebTMA GO correspond to those found in WebTMA. Be sure to scroll down to see all the fields. The Preferred RC field on all maintenance-worthy item windows is used to support the Biomed Make/Model and Equipment Make/Model functions.
The windows open in Edit mode for either new or existing records. You have the option to edit the record or use the down arrow next to the Main Menu button to select other options depending on the Active or Inactive status of the record.
When you tap Duplicate, WebTMA GO displays a message to confirm your desire to copy the record. Tap OK to make changes to the existing information and save as a new record.
Tap Create Request to open the Request Log window.
Tap Create Work Order to open the Work Order window.
Auto Counter for New Records
If the technician is authorized to create new records and your organization uses the automatic Counter option, WebTMA GO supports the auto counter for new records for the following modules:
- Asset
- Biomed Equipment
- Equipment
When you add a new record, the Tag # field is disabled and shows *New1*; however, once the record is saved, the Tag # displays as the next number in the Counter sequence.
Make/Model for WebTMA GO
The Make/Model Mode options on the Equipment window in WebTMA GO are:
- Free Form Mode
- Manufacturer/Model Mode
- Type/Subtype Mode
Depending on the mode selected, WebTMA GO filters the Make/Model popup window by Manufacturer or by Type.
When you select Manufacturer/Model Mode, an entry in the Manufacturer field is required to allow entry in the Make field. For Type/Subtype, an entry in the Type field is required. A message alerts you if these required fields are empty. See the next topic, Rules for Make/Model Modes, for an explanation of the required sequence to enter information.
Completion of the Subtype field is optional. If populated, the content is used to filter the Make list.
Once the Make is selected, fields that are marked as “owned” are populated either on the device or in the web service. Owned fields are established on the Make/Model record in Lookups > Equipment Make Model.
Some fields are not available for completion on the device, and the value is populated by the web service. The fields not completed on the device are:
- Replacement Cost
- SOP#
- Regulatory Category
- Life Expectancy
When a Make is entered or selected, the Description, Make, and Risk Level fields are populated and enterable regardless of the Make Mode selected.
The Life Expectancy field on the device is enabled based on the owned property on the Equipment Make/Model Lookup. Look for this field at the lower right of the Equipment window on the iPad. On some devices, you may need to scroll down to see the additional fields.
The User preference Prevent Modify Make Model from Equipment is supported on the device and disables the field when set to true. This setting is also shown on the Admin > User Management > Records / Mobile Access Tab–Auxiliary Subtab. To ensure that user Preferences are applied consistently, make sure the same setting values are applied on both Tabs
Rules for Make/Model Modes
If you use the Manufacturer/Model mode:
- The Manufacturer field must be populated before accessing the Make field popup.
- Once the Make is selected, the Manufacturer field becomes read-only.
- The Model # and Type/Subtype are populated from the Equipment Make/Model Lookup.
- Once the Make is selected, Model # and Type/Subtype fields become read-only.
If you use the Type/Subtype mode:
- The Model # and Manufacturer fields are populated by the Equipment Make/Model Lookup and are always enabled.
- The Type (and Subtype if used) fields must be populated before accessing the Make field popup.
- Once the Make is selected, the Type/Subtype fields become read-only.
Biomed Automatic Check-In Task
If you add a new Biomed equipment record from WebTMA GO and the item requires a Check-In task, WebTMA GO provides a way for the newly created Biomed equipment to trigger creation of the check-in work order when the new record is uploaded.
Mark the check box labeled Create Check-In Inspection WO on the Biomed window. When this option is selected, the server uses the check-in task from the Repair Center or from the global Repair Center preference to create a check-in work order in WebTMA.
When you save the new Biomed record in WebTMA GO, you are asked to confirm that you want to create a check-in task inspection work order.
A check-in work order will NOT be created if more than one Repair Center is selected on the Biomed record. And as a reminder, medTester tasks do not load as assigned work orders in WebTMA GO.