Request Browse - WebTMA 5

Path: Transactions > Request > Request Browse

The Request Browse functions are similar to the Batch Validation and Work Order Browse functions. Use this window to locate ignored, rejected, accepted, and/or pending requests.

From the Browse window, you can determine criteria to review requests as well as sort requests and zoom to a selected request.

Depending on the Other Criteria selected, some lines may be color-coded similar to the Batch Validation window. A green dot in the second column indicates accepted line items; a red dot in the second column shows rejected line items; a yellow dot in the second column shows the ignored line items.

How to Select Request Browse Criteria

Path: Transactions > Request > Browse

  1. Open the Request Browse window.
  2. Select a Location.
  3. Select a Period. You can use a predefined range such as Today, Last Week, This Month, or you can select a Beginning Date and Ending Date for a custom date range.
  4. Click to select a Request Type.
  5. Click one or more Other Criteria check boxes.
  6. Select other optional criteria as needed.
  7. Click the List Requests button below the query fields to start the search.

The Show Authorized Only check box returns a list of pending requests that have been authorized but have not been accepted or rejected.

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