Most modules in WebTMA GO open with a list page where you can download a list of records for the module, such as the Work Order List or Request Log List windows.
Initially, these windows display no records. When the window includes a Refresh button on the title bar, you can tap the button to populate the List window. To remove all lines from the page and download them again, tap the button. Once the window is cleared, tap the Refresh button again to reload the page.
When you download a list to the iPad, WebTMA GO forwards the data as quickly as possible. During the process, you can monitor the “network active” symbols, i.e., the spinning sunburst near the WiFi symbol and the search field.
As the list begins to fill, some lines display a check mark in the left column and others display a Cloud symbol.
The check mark indicates the record on the iPad is in sync with the server. The Cloud symbol shows that the record is in the cloud prior to downloading. The Cloud symbol changes to a check mark once the record is downloaded.
The rate at which the list fills depends on the speed of your WiFi connection and the number of records being downloaded. If you lose your WiFi connection or it is interrupted, the Cloud symbol remains. If you attempt to open a Cloud record when not connected to WiFi, a “Network Unreachable” popup alerts that you do not have a WiFi connection.
Look to the lower right corner of all list pages for a value in blue. This shows the number of records in the list.
NOTE: Tapping the Refresh button also reloads work orders that have been closed on the WebTMA server but are still loaded on your device. This insures that you have the latest work order information available.
List Window Line Icons
Symbols in the first column on the List windows indicate the status of a line item:
An exclamation mark is an alert that something about the record is incomplete or in error, i.e., it cannot be pushed to the database.
Two arrows in a sync motion shows the line item is ready to be pushed to the database. If you are connected via WiFi or Cellular, the line is uploaded to the main server as soon as you save a record.
A cloud indicates that the record has not been downloaded to the iPad. This lets you know the information is in the cloud and will be downloaded shortly.
A check mark indicates the line has been uploaded to the main server. Records downloaded from the server also show this symbol.
List Window Spotlight Search
The spotlight search field is used when you want to search the data server. It is not a character string match as in WebTMA. Like other Apple searches, it locates records that contain the character(s) typed in the field; however, the search is limited to a few fields in the data.
The fields searched are based on the Search column settings on the Configure Tableview window. You have the option to exclude some of the searched fields as described in Configure List Columns on page 14.
Type the characters to be searched or, if you have a specific record number, enter the entire string, and tap the Search Server button to download the record or records. The search returns any records that contain the character string in the fields selected in the Configure Tableview, which is described on the next page.
The Search Server button changes to Cancel when you start a search. If your search is long, i.e., involves many records, you can stop the search before it is complete. Simply tap the Cancel button while the search indicator is still 'spinning'.
Records are downloaded in groups of 100 until all matching lines are sent to the iPad.
Configure List Columns
Path: [Location or Item] List > Configure
Tap the Configure button on the List window to open the Configure Tableview window and change the display on the associated List window. The options on the Configure Tableview window vary depending on the module. The example above shows the Work Order List window configuration options.
On the Configure Tableview window, you can make any of the following types of changes:
- Remove a column from view (Display column)
- Make a column ineligible for a server search (Search column)
- Resize the width of a list column (Size column)
- Rearrange the order of the columns (Drag a stack in last column)
Not all Display columns are eligible for a server search.
To change the Display or Search status, press-and-drag the switch button to the right or left until it shows On or Off.
To rearrange the column sequence, press and drag the stacked bars up or down. The line at the top of the page is the first column, etc.
- Tap the Done button to save your changes.
- Tap the Reset button to remove all your changes and use the system default settings.
These settings are saved in the configuration file uploaded to the server. See Saved Configurations on page 4 for more information.
TIP: Select a minimum number of fields in the Search column to improve efficiency.
Delete Lines from List Window
Most list windows allow you to delete a line from the iPad. Swipe across the line to the left to display the Delete button. Tap the button to remove the line.
This removes the line from the iPad, but it does not remove lines from the main server.