Universal Interface for Work Requests - WebTMA 5

The Universal Interface for WR (Work Request) enables organizations to import Work Requests and export Request Status.

The Universal Interface for WR bundles two types of request records.

  • WR - Request Import
  • WR - Request Status Export

WR - Request Import

The Universal Interface for WR – Request Import allows you to import work requests. If desired, you can also use Work Request Import with the optional Auto Attendant to automatically convert requests into work orders.

After you configure the Client Service Installation and following topics, the Universal Interface Setup window must be completed. Remember to add at least one Repair Center to the Repair Center Tab.

When you select the Transaction Type, WebTMA automatically loads the required fields in the mapping grid. These lines display a red sphere in the left column until the row is mapped to the remote columns in the third-party database.

WebTMA filters the column field selection to prevent duplicate selection. For example, Requestor Name is not available for selection when you click the Add Column link because it is already selected. Reminder: The lines that auto-populate the grid are required. Please do not delete these lines.

Remember to add at least one Repair Center to the Repair Center Tab.

How to Link Fields for WR – Request Import

In order to import your Request files, you must link WebTMA fields with fields within your Universal Interface table. By default, all required fields should already have line entries. Edit those records and then add elective fields.

From the Universal Interface Setup window in Add/Edit mode:

  1. Complete the Required Setup
  2. Click the Add Column link on the grid to open the Column Mapping popup window.
  3. Choose your WebTMA Column.
  4. Select the Remote Column.
  5. Click Save & Add (or Save & Close).
  6. Repeat until all fields in your Universal Interface table have been matched up.
  7. Add the applicable Repair Center(s) to the Repair Center
  8. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

WR – Request Import Required Columns

The following fields must be present in your outside database to accomplish a successful import of work request information to WebTMA. When you add a new Universal Interface template, these required fields are automatically added to the TMA Column. At this point, all you need to do is map them. You can also add any elective fields.

Action Requested – Validated field (text field)

Request Date – Validated field (text field)

Request Type Code – Validated field (text field)

Requestor Name – Validated field (text field)

WR - Request Status Export

Select the WR – Request Status Export Transaction Type to export records using the Universal Interface framework. You have a choice of four export Connection Types: Comma Delimited Text File, Tab Delimited Text File, Web Service, or Microsoft SQL Server.

The Export Query is used only to determine the records to be exported. Select an existing Browse Query to serve as the Export Query. The selected Export Query has no impact on the data columns that are used in the export process.

The WebTMA Integration Client Service Configuration (Stand-alone windows application) Service includes fields to support exporting records.

Remember to add at least one Repair Center to the Repair Center Tab.

How to Link Fields for WR – Request Status Export

In order to export your Request Status records, you must link WebTMA fields with fields within your Universal Interface table. By default, all required fields should already have line entries. Edit those records and then add elective fields.

From the Universal Interface Setup window in Add/Edit mode:

  1. Complete the Required Setup fields defined above.
  2. Click the Add Column link on the grid to open the Column Mapping popup window.
  3. Choose your WebTMA Column.
  4. Select the Remote Column.
  5. Click Save & Add (or Save & Close).
  6. Repeat until all fields in your Universal Interface table have been matched up.
  7. Add the applicable Repair Center(s) to the Repair Center
  8. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.
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