P-Cards How To - WebTMA 5

How to Reconcile P-Cards

Path: Material > P-Card > P-Card Reconcile

P-Card functionality is exclusive to WebTMA Enterprise.

This window opens with a list of transactions when you click the List Transactions button on the P-Card Reconcile Query popup.

Use the P-Card Reconcile window to reconcile P-Card statements. Transactions marked for reconciliation are not updated in the database until the statement is balanced. When the Unreconciled Trans. and Cleared Trans. fields are equal and the Difference field displays 0.00, the Reconcile button is enabled

  1. Click to mark the transaction to be reconciled. Note the amount in the Cleared Trans. field. This value must equal the Unreconciled Trans. value.
  2. Click the Reconcile button.

The Reconcile button is enabled only when the Difference field shows 0.00. Values are based on the amounts entered on the P-Card Reconcile Query window. If needed, you can modify transaction lines to get the zero balance. 

How to Add P-Card Transactions

Path: Material > P-Card > Transactions

P-Card functionality is exclusive to WebTMA Enterprise.

The following steps describe this window in Add mode. In Add, Edit, or View mode, double-click a line item to view the P-Card Transaction Detail Entry popup window. The contents of the popup window vary depending on the purpose of the transaction.

From the P-Card Transactions window:

  1. Click Add on the WebTMA toolbar.
  2. Complete the required fields: Vendor, Transaction Type, and Card #.
  3. Click the Add Line link to open the P-Card Transaction Detail Entry window.
  4. Select the Purchase Reason. These options are set by WebTMA and limited to the following: Issue to Work Order, Issue to Sales Order, or Purchase for Stock.
  5. Click the related Stocked or Non-stocked radio button that matches the reason for purchase.
  6. Complete the other fields on the window. The fields change based on your selection of Stocked or Non-stocked.
  7. Click the Save button on the popup.
  8. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.
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