Sales Order - WebTMA 5

Path: Material > Sales > Sales Order / Identity Tab

A sales order is used to sell (charge) materials to various departments within your organization.

The sales order function creates an on-hand adjustment. In other words, quantities are deducted from inventory, and the adjustments are made as soon as you save a sales order.

Sales orders are used to track details on:

  • types of materials "sold"
  • buyers of the materials
  • dollar amount owed per transaction
  • billing information to charge back to departments

Once a sales order is saved, the record cannot be edited, but you can use the Return button to return some or all of the ordered materials to the Warehouse.

If you use Sales Order Rate Schedules, the Rate Schedule field automatically displays the schedule for the selected department if applicable. You can select a different schedule. Move the cursor over the field for a descriptive tool tip. Marked up charges display in the Charge column and on the Charge Subtab. Posted sales charges reflect the Charge amounts rather than the Cost amounts.

WebTMA checks the quantities when adding a line item and only allows you to order an amount less than or equal to the quantity on hand for that location. When your order is greater than the amount on hand, the following message displays, "There is inadequate stock to cover this order. The remaining items will be marked as back ordered." At a later date, click the Pending Items button to review back orders of any items that are once again in inventory. Line items only display when inventory is available. Use the Pending Items Entry window to convert items to a new Sales Order. 

Warehouse access restrictions apply to sales order parts associated with a warehouse. If the logged-in user does not have access to the warehouse, he or she can see the part on a Sales Order record, but the part cannot be edited or deleted. If the user does not have access to a warehouse, he or she cannot return parts to those warehouses. In addition, parts do not show up in the Pending Items window when the logged-in user does not have access to the warehouse associated with the pending item.

In Edit mode, an additional grid column, BackOrder, shows the number of items from the original Sales Order that are pending.

If you use the Invoicing module, parts on the virtual dock for the warehouse are also available for issue. These are parts that have arrived but have not been matched to an invoice from the vendor. A red icon red_p_icon.png in the first column indicates uninvoiced parts have been issued to the sales order.

The History Tab shows details about the On-hand Adjustment linked to the transaction.

Most of the Tabs on this window are used by many functions in WebTMA. An explanation of these shared Tabs is found in the separate Help > Help Page > Common Functions document.

Sales Order Pending Items

Path: Material > Sales > Sales Order / Identity Tab

The Pending Items button is enabled in Add or View mode and is used to review back ordered items. Click the Pending Items button to open the Pending Items Entry window.

The upper grid displays line items of Department, Repair Center, and Account combinations that have pending items.

Click a row in the upper grid to see the related pending items in the lower grid. NOTE: Pending line items are restricted to items that are now in inventory. If you expect to see an item that does not show up for the related Department/Repair Center/Account, that item has not yet been restored to inventory.

Mark the check boxes of items in the lower grid, and click the Convert To Order button to create a new Sales Order. Converted items are permanently deleted from the window. To permanently remove an unconverted line from the pending list, check the line item check box, and click the Delete button.

When you click the Pending Items button in View mode, the Sales Order window automatically switches to Add mode in the background.

When you click the Pending Items button in Add mode, WebTMA filters the items by the Department, Repair Center, and Account selected on the Sales Order page; therefore, if you have chosen a Department, only pending items for that department display on the Pending Items Entry window. In addition, WebTMA automatically opens the Pending Items Entry window when you select a Department with pending items.

Post This SO

Sales Order Action Menu – Post This SO

Use this link to create a Batch Job for a single sales order.

When you click Post This SO, WebTMA first checks to be sure the record can be posted. If the sales order is not chargeable or has already been posted, the following message alerts you: Sorry, this transaction did not qualify for posting.

If the sales order can be posted, the Batch Job Criteria window opens with pre-populated information based on the sales order. All transaction check boxes, except Sales Order, are cleared and the Order # is populated in a text box next to the Toggle button. The Post Date can be changed.

Once you click the Finish button, WebTMA displays a message that says, "Post Charge has been successfully set up."

The Batch Jobs window displays the number of the sales order in a column labeled WO#/SO#.


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