Stock Replenishment Wizard (SRW) - WebTMA 5

Path: Materials > Purchase > Stock Replenishment Wizard

The Stock Replenishment Wizard is a faster way to review parts for reorder and issue a purchase order, purchase requisition, or quote for a selected repair center. If you elect to use the purchase order, the part record is updated. The purchase requisition option does not affect the part record.

Records Preparation for SRW

Path: Materials > Purchase > Stock Replenishment Wizard

The Stock Replenishment Wizard relies on information from several windows. If any of the information is missing, an otherwise eligible item is omitted from the final purchase order or purchase requisition.

Make sure the Lookups, Parts, and Warehouse windows are completed accurately before you attempt to use the wizard.

Lookups Settings for SRW

Path: Organization > Lookups / Purchase Order Types

To see purchase order types in SRW, go to Organization > Lookups / Purchase Order Types and mark the Stock Replenishment Wizard Use check box for the desired types. Unless you mark the check box, parts of a given type are unavailable to the wizard.

Review all the Purchase Order Types to be sure the check box is marked for those types you plan to order using the wizard.

Warehouse Record Fields for SRW

Path: Materials > Warehouse / Identity

The Warehouse / Identity Tab includes a separate Stock Replenishment section with an SRW Account # field. If populated, this account applies to purchase orders created using the Stock Replenishment Wizard.

Two tax-related fields on the Warehouse / Identity Tab apply to the SRW. When you check the Most Items Taxable box and select a Tax Name in the field to the right, WebTMA applies the tax to all detail lines generated by SRW for the warehouse. This setting overrides Part record tax settings, but only for SRW. If these tax settings are not made for the Warehouse, WebTMA checks the Part record for taxable status.

Make sure the Repair Center you select on the first SRW window is also assigned on the Warehouse / Repair Centers Tab. Without the Repair Center assignment, the warehouse is not available for the repair center when you use the Stock Replenishment Wizard.


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