Path: Material > Parts > Batch Preferred Vendor Update
Use the Batch Preferred Vendor Update window to change the Preferred Vendor for several part locations at one time.
Locate the part locations using one of the following filter selections:
- Part Code
- Part Description
- Part Type
- Part SubType
- Warehouse Name
- Preferred Vendor
To make use of the window:
- Choose the filter.
- Select a specific criteria
- Click the Find button.
- Mark the check box for each line to be changed.
- Select the Update Preferred Vendor With, i.e., the new vendor.
- Click the Batch Update button.
When the action is complete, the updated lines are removed from the grid, and a message informs you "Preferred Vendor Successfully Replaced". Click OK to close the message.
To verify the new Preferred Vendor setting, go to Material > Parts > Records / Locations Tab and review part line items in Edit mode.