Transfer Parts - WebTMA 5

Path: Material > Parts > Transfer Parts

Use the Transfer Parts window to move stocked parts from one warehouse to another. When you do this, the records are adjusted in both the sending warehouse and the receiving warehouse and saved as a transaction. If desired, you can also distribute parts to a work order from the Transfer Parts window.

Any type of part including uninvoiced parts on a virtual dock is eligible for transfer. Transferring serialized parts requires a serial number for each serialized part you transfer.

If you use UFI or UFI eXpress, the Budget Code (sub-object code) field, if entered, becomes a variable part of the account stream.

Use the Part Deficiency link on the Action Menu for an overview of all parts that are below the minimum and create a transfer for parts selected on the popup.

Existing transfer records are eligible for viewing only when one or more of the Repair Centers that are linked to the logged-in user's record are also linked to the Current Warehouse and New Warehouse on a transfer record. This applies to Search, Navigation (Next, Prev, etc. icons on the Toolbar), and Browse Tab lines.

How to Transfer Parts

Path: Material > Part > Transfer Parts

The Transfer Parts window includes fields to accommodate charging the transaction.

  1. Click Add on the WebTMA toolbar.
  2. Select a Date and the Technician ID.
  3. Select the Curr WH Code (the warehouse from which the part is transferred).
  4. Select the New WH Code (the code of the warehouse to which the part is transferred).
  5. Select a Repair Center Code.
  6. Complete elective fields as needed.
  7. Click the Add Item or Add Items link at the top of the grid to open the Transfer Entry window. The Add Items link lets you select several items for transfer at one time.
  8. Select the part Code.
  9. Type the Quantity, i.e., the number of item units being transferred.
  10. (Optional) Type the Bin Location for the New Warehouse.
  11. Click the Save button on the popup
  12. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

The Batch # (transfer number) is assigned when the record is saved.

Part transfers can be reviewed using the Find, Previous, or Next buttons on the WebTMA toolbar if one or more Repair Centers on the logged-in user's record match a Repair Center for both the Current and New Warehouses.

Look to the read-only Post Date field to verify if charged part transfers have been posted.

Inventory changes are visible in On-hand Adjustments. They are shown as a positive adjustment to the to warehouse and a negative adjustment to the from warehouse.

Uninvoiced Part Transfers

When a part is transferred, the quantity comes first from stocked parts. If stocked parts are insufficient, the balance is transferred from the virtual dock. That is, in-stock parts are transferred from the original warehouse to the new warehouse and docked items are transferred from the original warehouse dock to the new warehouse dock.

Each transferred part creates at least two On-hand Adjustment lines: a negative adjustment from the original warehouse and a positive adjustment for the new warehouse. If the quantity of parts in stock is insufficient, the On-hand Adjustment lines are split automatically to indicate the number taken from the warehouse and the number from the virtual dock.

Example: If you transfer 10 parts from Warehouse A to Warehouse B where 5 parts come from stock and 5 parts come from the virtual dock, the transfer automatically creates four On-hand Adjustment lines.

  • The first line shows 5 parts removed from stock in Warehouse A.
  • The second line shows 5 parts removed from the virtual dock for Warehouse A.
  • The third line shows 5 parts added to stock for Warehouse B.
  • The fourth line shows 5 parts added to the virtual dock for Warehouse B.
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