Parts Tabs - WebTMA 7

The Tabs you might see on the Parts window are listed in order of appearance. They can differ depending on your version of WebTMA and the optional modules your organization uses.

Part Locations Tab

Path: Material > Part > Records / Locations Tab

The Locations Tab displays a quick review of the following:

  • Various types of quantities of this stocked part for each warehouse if the logged-in user has access to the warehouse
  • Critical status of the part
  • Cost and Mark Up information
  • Serialized part information when applicable to the part 

In Edit mode, the Location Entry window opens when you click a pencil icon or Add Warehouse link. The warehouses available are restricted to those the logged-in user has been granted access. 

Click the Review Part check box on this window to reveal a Review Comments field. The comments apply to a specific warehouse, i.e., SKU line for the part. It is used when stocked parts in this location need further explanation during the order process. For example, if the part does not follow the usual ordering quantity, notes in the Review Comments field can help speed the ordering process. On the Purchase Order window, a triangular icon triangle_exclamation_point.png displays for lines that have a comment. Click the icon on the Purchase Order line item to read the text entered in the Review Comments field.

Subtabs on the window include a read-only Audit Trail that shows On-hand Adjustment history during the previous twelve months (from the current date) for the part at the selected location. Lines related to work orders, purchase orders, or sales orders also have a link to those records. Scroll to the right to see links in the appropriate columns.

You can also see the Location Entry window in read-only mode by double-clicking a line item. This is especially useful for a quick check of the Audit Trail Subtab for a part at a specific location.

NOTE:  The Average Cost column on this window is populated and reportable only if the SKU Pricing for PO Preference is checked in Admin > Client Info / Preferences Tab.

Serialized Parts

Path: Material > Parts > Records / Identity Tab

Some stocked parts have unique serial numbers that allow you to trace the stocked part and its history in the event a problem occurs.

Once you mark the Serialized check box on the Parts / Identity Tab and add a quantity to the Parts / Location Tab, the check box cannot be cleared.

When you create your Parts records, use the Locations Tab to record information about existing parts that have serial numbers. If serialized parts are ordered using a purchase order, record the serial number and warranty information from the Receivings window.

On the Locations Tab, a plus sign BtnPlusSignSerial next to the line item identifies serialized parts. Click the plus sign BtnPlusSignSerial to expand the line and review the serial numbers.

Part Supplier Tab

Path: Material > Part > Records / Supplier Tab

Use the Supplier Tab to review a list of vendors from whom stocked parts are purchased. The information comes from the WebTMA Purchase and Receivings functions as well as manual entry on the window.

You can add new line items, edit, or delete existing information.

On the desired Part record:

  1. Click the Supplier Tab.
  2. Click Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.
  3. Click the Add Item link at the top of the grid.
  4. Complete the required and elective fields.
  5. Click the Save button on the Supplier Entry window.
  6. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

NOTE:  If you edit existing line items, most of the fields are read-only.

Part Xref Tab

Path: Material > Part > Records / Xref Tab

Use the Xref Tab on the Part window to link stocked parts to maintenance-worthy items such as areas, assets, biomed equipment, equipment, tools, and vehicles.

The selections include types for both items and locations. The part line entered on this page is reflected on the Part Reference or Xref Tab of the related item record.

You can link a stocked part to as many different item records as needed; however, cross-referenced parts for items and locations are entered only from the Parts / Xref Tab.

Part Alternate Tab

Path: Material > Parts > Records / Alternate Tab

With this Tab, you can add or modify a list of other stocked parts that can be substituted for the current part.

When alternate parts are specified, they are available with the following functions:

  • Material > Sales > Sales Order
  • Transactions > Work Order > Records / Costs Tab–Material Subtab

When the primary part code is entered, the system checks the quantity on hand. If the quantity is currently at zero, a Part Alternate window opens with a list of alternates—when you click in the Quantity field. Double-click the desired alternate, or click Save on the popup to add an alternate part. The Part Alternate window opens only if the quantity is zero for the primary part selected.

Newly created parts that reflect zero quantity on hand will not trigger this prompt because an inventory record has not been established.

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