Path: Transactions > Training > Class
The Class window is used to create details such as a Description, Start/End Dates, and Default Trainer for a Training module class.
A Class record requires an affiliated Program ID.
Although the Default Trainer is optional, it can save keystrokes when you assign the class. Trainers designated on the Class window automatically populate the Trainer field on the assignment popup window.
The Trainee Hours and Trainer Hours fields display a summary of trainee history hours and trainer history hours to reflect hours spent in class by both trainees and trainer. WebTMA automatically calculates these values.
Use the Additional Info Subtab to enter free-form notes about the Class if needed.
Design student surveys by selecting questions on the Survey Tab of the Program, Class, or both windows. If both windows have questions on the Survey Tab and Survey Required is checked, the Class window questionnaire takes precedence. In addition, if you select a Training Course (established in Organization > Lookups) on the Class window when adding a new class, any survey questions for the selected Training Course are added to the Class / Survey Tab but only if the Tab is empty.
When the class has any open training assignments and you attempt to populate the Close Date field on the Class window, an Info alert informs you that, "Class cannot be closed until all training assignments are closed." Assignments are closed from the Transactions > Training > Training Taken window.
When the class is closed from the Training Taken window, WebTMA automatically sends an e-mail to the trainees with a link to the questions. The system uses the e-mail address saved with the Technician record.
Be sure to mark the Survey Required check box and select questions on the Survey Tab if you want a student evaluation that is different from the Program / Survey Tab (or when the Program record does not specify a survey).
If you enter a number in the Capacity field, the number of trainees is limited to a maximum of the number shown. If the field is blank, the number of trainees is unlimited.
The Duration field indicates the cumulative total of class hours. The system accommodates any combination of time in class. For example, if you specify a Duration of 10 with a Start Date of July 1 and an End Date of July 31, you can schedule 10 one-hour classes, 5 two-hour classes, or any other combination that totals 10 hours.
The Valid For field is used when training applies to certification courses. Select the number and related duration such as 1 Year. When the required hours are completed and passed, enter the information from the Training Taken window. WebTMA calculates the expiration date for the training and adds it to the technician's record on the Training Tab in the Expiration Date column.
View Survey Result Training
Authorized users can review the survey answers from trainees that have returned the survey using the Action Menu link View Survey Result.
Permission to use this link is granted from Admin > User Management > Records / Preferences Tab by marking the View Training Survey Result as True.
When you click the link, the Survey Results window opens.
- Select the Respondent name. If the respondent did not include a name, WebTMA uses "Anonymous Respondent.
- Click the List Survey Result button.
The resulting read-only page displays the answers submitted by the selected respondent.
Training Class Trainees Tab
Path: Transactions > Training > Class
The Trainees Tab displays names of students assigned to the class from the following sources:
- pending or assigned requests submitted from work order or mobile device to attend the class
- pending or assigned requests made using the Training Batch Request window
- pending or assigned requests made using the Quick Post Training Request window
- requests submitted for a different class, but re-assignment made to this class
The tab strip at the bottom of the grid filters the list for Open or Closed classes. The Closed Subtab includes an additional column showing Closed Date. Classes that were closed using Organization > Repair Center > Manage Technician Training or otherwise canceled are shown on the Closed Tab. The Open Subtab does not show classes that were attended and completed. By default, a list of open classes is in view, that is, pending classes or assigned classes that have not been closed from the Training Taken window.
A blue orb next to the technician's name indicates the class has been assigned. Lines without an icon are pending. You can also edit lines on this page either line-by-line or in multiples.
With limitations, lines on the Close Subtab can be edited or deleted. If the Closed Date field on the Identity Tab is clear, you can update the Close date for a student.
In Edit mode, look for the pencil icon to edit the Close date and the trash can icon to remove non-attendees. The icons are only available to lines that display the blue orb at the left side of the line. For more information about editing and deleting class trainee records, see Reopen Trainee Assignment Lines.
How to Edit a Trainee Line
Path: Transactions > Training > Class / Trainees Tab–Open Subtab
Use this window to make changes to classes that have been assigned. When editing a line item, any default values for the assignment are read-only.
On the Trainees Tab:
- Click Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.
- Click the pencil icon for the line you want to edit.
- Change data in editable fields on the Training Assignment Edit window.
- Click the Save button on the Training Assignment Edit window.
- Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.
Reopen Trainee Assignment Line
Path: Transactions > Training > Training Class / Trainees Tab-Closed Subtab
Typically, the Class / Trainees-Closed Subtab is used to review closed training assignments. If you need to reopen or delete an assignment line, you have the option to do so from this Tab. When a blue orb displays to the left of a line, the trash can and pencil icons are available in Edit mode. The pencil icon is enabled only when the Class / Identity Tab does not have Closed Date. The trash can icon is only available if no hours were posted to that training assignment line.
When you click the pencil icon, the Close Date is the only field that can be changed on the resulting popup window.
Clear the Closed Date and time fields on the Training Assignment Edit window, and click the Save button on the popup.
This action returns the line to the Trainee-Open Subtab. You can then open the Training > Training Taken window to enter a Closed Date as well as Pass/Fail, and Hours.