Path: Accounting > Accounts Payable Invoice > Records
WebTMA accommodates invoicing for several windows. These include Purchase Order, Work Order, Project Requisition, and Utility Ticket. Invoices related to the Purchase Order window are the only ones eligible to be matched.
When an invoice arrives from the vendor, create an invoice record. This can be done by clicking an invoice-related link on the Action Menu. Depending on the window, the Action Menu link may be labeled Invoice or Create A/P Invoice. These links are available when the function has been checked in Client Info / Preferences and if the user has rights to create an invoice. You can also create a new invoice record directly from Accounting > Accounts Payable Invoice > Records.
Using the invoice-related link on the Action Menu prevents data entry errors since information from the order record is transferred to the new invoice record. This also saves data entry time.
For Purchase Orders, the first time you use the Invoice link on the Action Menu, the lines are loaded to the Invoice window without comment. If you use the feature more than once, WebTMA opens a window asking you to identify the On-hand Receiving batch you want to match. Note, however, that you are only prompted to select the batch if there are uninvoiced batches remaining for the PO. Also, the window does not open when you create an invoice record for a purchase order that does not have the Invoicing check box marked.
Invoice records for Project Requisitions or Work Orders do not include freight costs and cannot be matched; therefore, the On-hand Adjustment and Variance Tabs do not display on invoice records for these two types of invoices.