UFI Export Data - WebTMA 5

Path: Accounting > Universal Financial > UFI Export Data

The UFI Export Data window is used to re-set internal flags that allow you to re-export selected UFI batch jobs. It is also the window used to review the UFI linked documents created when you run the Post Charges batch job.

Regenerating files for export does not modify the ledger tables in any way; it merely regenerates a file to be exported again, for example, if the original export file was corrupted in some way and a new one is needed.

The window includes a hierarchical grid. Click the + sign to expand the Batch # and see a list of the documents within the batch. Double-click a File Name to view the contents of the file. You also have the option to delete a file from this window using the Trash Can icon.

All UFI exported data may be sent to this window as zipped files. This applies if you do not include a UFI Web Service URL on the UFI Setup window.

If you need to reprocess one or more batches of UFI data and re-export to your financial application:

  1. Select a date or date range.
  2. Click the Fetch Records button.
  3. Click to mark the check box for all line items you want to re-export.
  4. (Optional) Expand to reveal file names and delete any .zip files that do not need to be exported again.
  5. Click the Regenerate UFI button.
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