Path: Organization > Task > Lockout
The Lockout feature is a safety procedure that must be followed to ensure that dangerous machines are properly shut off and not able to be started again prior to completion of maintenance or repair work.
The procedure requires that hazardous energy sources be "isolated and rendered inoperative" before work is started on the item. The power sources are locked, and a tag is placed on the lock identifying the worker who placed it. The worker holds the key for the lock ensuring that only he or she can remove the lock and start the machine. This prevents accidental startup of a machine while it is in a hazardous state or while a worker is in direct contact with it.
Lockout-tagout is used across industries as a safe method of working on hazardous equipment and is mandated by law in some countries.
You can record these procedures and print them with a work order.
How to Add Lockout Procedures
Path: Organization > Task > Lockout
To record a lockout procedure:
- Click Add on the WebTMA toolbar.
- Assign a Code to the procedure.
- Type an identifying Name for the procedure.
- Click a radio button to select the Risk Level, or accept the default (None).
- Type the Lockout Procedure instructions in the free-form text field.
- Click the Repair Centers Tab and assign the desired repair centers.
- Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.
NOTE: When you add or edit a lock-out record, the Last Modified date field is automatically updated when you save changes.
How to Apply Lockout Procedures
Path: Organization > Equipment > Records / Misc Tab
Path: Organization > Area > Records / Identity Tab
You can specify a lockout procedure on equipment and area records in Add or Edit mode; the process is the same. The following instructions outline how to edit a record.
- Locate the equipment item or area record.
- Click Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.
- Locate the Lock-out # field (Areas / Identity Tab) or Lock-out Proc field (Equipment / Misc Tab).
- Select the applicable procedure.
- Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.
How to Add Lock-out Procedures to Area Records
Path: Organization > Area > Records / Identity Tab
Lockout procedures are used when specific steps must be taken before work is performed in an area. Use the Lockout feature when the safety procedure must be followed to prevent injury when a task is performed. For example, if work is being done on high-voltage equipment, a Lockout procedure is followed at the electrical panel to prevent other technicians from re-energizing the equipment while it is being worked on.
Lockout procedures are printed as a separate page with the work order. In order to print the area's lockout procedures with the work order, mark the Confined Space Perm (permit) check box.
Lock-out procedures are created and stored in Organization > Task > Lockout.
To specify a lockout procedure for an area:
- Open the area record.
- Click Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.
- Select the applicable Lock Out #.
- (Optional) Click the Confined Space-Permit check box to print the lock out procedures with the work order.
- Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.
How to Add Lock-out Procedures to Equipment Records
Path: Organization > Equipment > Records / Misc Tab
Lockout procedures are used when specific steps must be taken before work is performed. Use the Lockout feature when a specific procedure must be followed to prevent injury. For example, if work is being done on high-voltage equipment, a Lockout-tagout procedure is followed at the electrical panel to prevent other technicians from re-energizing the equipment while it is being worked on.
To specify a lock-out (or tag-out) procedure for the equipment item:
- Locate the record.
- Click the Misc. Tab.
- Click Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.
- Click the down arrow in the Lock-out Proc field.
- Select the applicable procedure.
- Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.