Task Requirements Tab - WebTMA 5

Path: Organization > Task > Records / Requirements

Use the Requirements Tab of the Task window to associate parts, tools, and training with a specific task. This helps you identify the parts and tools needed to perform the task as well as any special training for the technician.

The Required Tools Subtab accepts both Tools and Tool Types. Regardless of whether a Tool or a Tool Type is assigned, WebTMA adds the Tools used to perform the work to the Results–Test Items Subtab when technicians finish or close work orders.

The Required Training Subtab lists any courses a technician must complete before he or she should be assigned to perform the task. Your WebTMA System Administrator adds training courses using Organization > Lookups > Organization / Training Courses.

If training is a task requirement, WebTMA compares the technician assigned to a work order and alerts you if the technician does not have the training needed to perform the task.

Tool Types and Tasks

In addition to assigning specific Tools to a Task record, you can also assign a Tool Type. This helps you conform to ISO 9001 standards for Tools used.

The behind-the-scenes activity for Tool Types assigned to a Task looks for any Tools of that Type that are checked out to the Technician who posts labor to the Work Order.

If the technician has checked out a tool that matches the same Tool Type assigned to the Task, the checked out tool is listed on the Work Order > Records / Results–Test Items Subtab when the technician finishes or closes the work order.

The specific Tools that are assigned to the Task are also listed on the Test Items Subtab when the technician finishes or closes the work order. This provides a record of the tool used to perform the work.

NOTE:  The tools are added to the Test Items Subtab regardless of how the Technician closes the work order, i.e., from the Work Order windows (Single Task, Multi-Task, or Quick), Quick Post Cost, WO Browse, General Inspection Sheet, or the Close WO Action Menu link on Single Task or Multi-Task Work Order windows.

Required Parts, Tools, and Training

You can add in-stock parts to a specific task and help users identify the materials that are required to perform the task. With parts specified, you can also determine order quantities at the time you create the work order. From this window, parts for a particular item or location can also be specified. If designated, these are listed in the Item Type and Item Code columns. If designated, these are listed in the Item Type and Item Code columns.

If training is a task requirement, WebTMA compares the technician assigned to a work order and alerts you if the technician does not have the training needed to perform the task.

How to Add Required Parts to a Task

Path: Organization > Task > Records / Requirements

  1. Click the Requirements Tab on the task record that requires the parts.
  2. Click Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.
  3. Click the Add Part link at the top of the grid to open the Add Part popup window.
  4. Complete the fields on the Part Entry window.
  5. Click the Add button on the window and close the popup.
  6. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

How to Delete Parts from a Task

Path: Organization > Task > Records / Requirements

  1. Click the Requirements Tab on the task record that requires the parts.
  2. Click Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.
  3. Click the trash can icon for the line item you want to delete.
  4. Click OK on the verification message.
  5. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

How to Add Required Tools to a Task

Path: Organization > Task > Records / Requirements

  1. Click the Requirements Tab on the task record that requires tools.
  2. Click Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.
  3. Click the Required Tools Subtab.
  4. Click the Add Tool link at the top of the grid to open the Add Tool popup window.
  5. Complete the fields on the Tool Entry window.
  6. Click the Add button on the window and close the popup.
  7. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

How to Delete Tools from a Task

Path: Organization > Task > Records / Requirements

  1. Click the Requirements Tab on the task record that requires tools.
  2. Click Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.
  3. Click the Required Tools Subtab.
  4. Click the trash can icon for the line item you want to delete.
  5. Click OK on the verification message.
  6. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

How to Add Required Training to a Task

Path: Organization > Task > Records / Requirements

  1. Click the Requirements Tab on the task record that requires training.
  2. Click Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.
  3. Click the Required Training Subtab.
  4. Click the Add Training link at the top of the grid to open the Add Training popup window.
  5. Complete the fields on the Training Entry window.
  6. Click the Add button on the window and close the popup.
  7. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

How to Delete Training from a Task

Path: Organization > Task > Records / Requirements

  1. Click the Requirements Tab on the task record that requires training.
  2. Click Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.
  3. Click the Required Training Subtab.
  4. Click the trash can icon for the line item you want to delete.
  5. Click OK on the verification message.
  6. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.
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