Lock Shop - WebTMA 5

A Lock Shop is required if you want to create a Key System record and Cores. Lock Shops are optional for existing Key Management data and for Keys, Bitting, and Locks.

The Lock Shop concept is used to separate and filter Key Systems, Keys, Cores, Locks, Bittings, and Cabinets.

If you use Lock Shops, the code is added to the Key Bitting window in Organization > Lookups as well as the Keys / Identity Tab.

Using a Lock Shop allows you to segregate keys by Lock Shops and filter user access based on Repair Center. If you employ Lock Shops, users only see keys connected to Lock Shops to which they have access based on their Repair Center rights. This restriction controls access to associated Key Systems, Keys, Cabinets, Cores, Locks, and Bittings.

To be successfully associated with a Lock Shop, the following records must belong to the same Lock Shop or have no Lock Shop affiliation.

  • Parent Key to Child Key
  • Key to Core
  • Key to Lock
  • Core to Lock
  • Key to Bitting
  • Key to Cabinet

Lock Shop Identity Tab

Path: Material > Key Management > Lock Shop

The Lock Shop is the top of the Key module hierarchy. Use of Lock Shops is not required; however, they are a convenient way to segregate keys, and they are required if you want to create a Key System and Cores.

The Code you designate is used as a prefix in associated records similar to the way a Building Code in WebTMA is as the prefix for a Location ID.

The Unused Bitting Subtab displays a list showing bitting records for the Lock Shop that are not yet used with a Key record.

Similarly, the Unassigned Core Subtab shows all interchangeable cores that belong to the Lock Shop and are not yet used with a Lock record.

The Unassigned Lock Subtab displays a list of all locks that are associated with the Lock Shop and are not yet used with a Door (Asset) record.

How to Add Lock Shops

Be sure to create Lock Shop records before you add bitting records in Lookups > Key Bittings because the Lock Shop field on the Bittings window is only enabled in Add mode.

  1. Click Add on the WebTMA toolbar.
  2. Type a Code for the Shop. This is used as a prefix for any associated records. The behavior is similar to a Building Code that serves as a prefix to an Area record Code to create a Location ID.
  3. Type the Name of the Shop.
  4. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.
  5. Go to Organization > Lookups > Key Bitting to add bitting records.
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