The amount of setup for the Keys module depends on what elements you want to track. If you only have one facility where keys are tracked and if you don’t use Interchangeable Cores, you can create Keys and Lock records without concern about most of the other menu options for the Key module. Even then, you probably want to use Key Rings and track Key Holders.
If, however, you want to use more of the Key module features, additional records are required. Before creating any records, review the description of each window to help you plan the naming and hierarchy of your keys.
After you have created records, the Adjustments window is where most activity occurs, such as adding, issuing, and returning keys.
Use the following list as a guide to the sequence followed to set up your Key module records.
- Lock Shop. Especially useful if you have multiple facilities; however, a Lock Shop is also needed if you track Interchangeable Cores. Although the cores are not shown on this window, they are related to the Key System, which requires a Lock Shop. Be sure to create Lock Shop records before you add bitting records in Lookups > Key Bittings because the Lock Shop field on the Bittings window is only enabled in Add
- Key System. A Key System establishes a parent/child relationship of Key records. Use this record to indicate whether you use Interchangeable Cores. Be sure to include a Change Key level in order to affiliate the keys with Interchangeable Cores. Once a Key System record is saved, most fields on the window cannot be changed.
- Cabinet. (Optional) The Cabinet is similar to a warehouse in that it indicates where unassigned keys are stored.
- Keys. Use this window to create key records and maintain a history of a key. Until keys are added (using the Adjustments window), this is a “theoretical” key.
- Key Rings. Used to create a record that shows all the keys and the quantity of each issued on a key ring.
- Interchangeable Core. This record serves as a link between the Key records and Lock It is used by Key Systems that use Interchangeable Cores.
- Lock. This window links to location data in your WebTMA database. You can assign a lock to a Facility, Building, Floor, or Area record in addition to an asset (e.g., Door). An asset takes precedence if a lock record is associated with the asset.
- Key Holders. The window stores information about anyone who is issued keys. Use this window to review the keys and key rings issued to a key holder as well as examine the holder’s key history.
- Adjustments. This is the first menu option because it is used most often once the key and lock records are established. Use the window to make any of the following adjustments: