Inspection Layout Tab - WebTMA 5

Path: Organization > General Inspections > Inspection Form / Layout Tab

The Layout window is used to determine the format and sequence of items as they will appear on the inspection sheet. The window is blank until you add sections and items as well as checks for each item.

The Master Inspection Checks and Form Specific Inspection Checks you have created for items and actions are selected on the Layout window.

Add as many sections, items, and checks to this window as needed. Items and checks can be added individually or at one time.

The Order # sequence can be changed later if needed.

When your layout is complete, you have designed an inspection sheet. These sheets are opened for use from the Work Order window after inspection work orders are generated.

You can change items for the layout of an existing inspection form; however, inspection sheets for work orders created before the change reflect the layout in use when the work order was generated.

Inspection Groups

When you assemble a number of items in a layout, they are saved automatically as a group (Organization > Group > Records). WebTMA assigns these inspection groups a Group ID that consists of the prefix INS followed by the form code, for example INS-Form01.

From the Group window, inspection groups are read-only and cannot be added or edited.

The inspection group is useful when you set up an inspection on the PM Tab. Rather than selecting each item listed on the inspection form, you can select a group with the INS prefix. This speeds up data entry and assures that every item listed in the inspection form is included on the inspection sheets.

Group records have an assigned repair center. The Inspection Form / Identity Tab reflects the group repair center in the Form Information section of the window. This is a required field.

How to Create an Inspection Section

Path: Organization > General Inspection > Inspection Form / Layout Tab

The sections on this window are used to classify the items, for example, Motors, Meters, or similar broad categories.

Reminder: Before you design the layout, create the required master checks using the General Inspections / Master Inspection Check window.

From the desired Inspection Form:

  1. Click the Layout
  2. Click Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.
  3. Click the Add Section
  4. Type a Section Name and sequence Order # on the Section Entry popup window.
  5. Click the Save button and add more sections if needed.
  6. Go to How to Add Inspection Items to continue layout setup.

How to Add Inspection Items to a Section

Path: Organization > Task > General Inspection Forms / Layout Tab

Once you have created sections on the Layout Tab, you can add the items to be checked. Follow these instructions after you have created Sections outlined in the previous topic, How to Create an Inspection Section.

  1. Click the + sign to expand the applicable Section.
  2. Click the Add Item link to open the selection window.
  3. Select the Item Type in the top right field.
  4. Select the item category in the top left field.
  5. Check all applicable Item Code check boxes for this inspection.
  6. Click the Add Selected button and close the selection window to return to the Layout The Order # is inserted by default.
  7. Repeat to add more Items to another Section.
  8. Go to the next topic, How to Add Inspection Checks to an Item.

NOTE: If the same items are in all or several sections, mark the section check boxes that apply, and click the Add Item to selected sections link at the top of the grid. This saves time and keystrokes. When selections are saved, the selected items are added to all checked sections.

How to Add Inspection Checks to an Item

Path: Organization > General Inspections > Inspection Form / Layout Tab

This final part of layout involves adding the specific actions used to check each item. This topic describes how to set up a new list of checks, but you can add and revise the checks in the future. See the next topic, How to Edit Item Inspection Checks.

Inspection checks are created in Master Inspection Check and from the Inspection Checks Tab. Checks must be set up before they are available to add to the layout.

Follow these instructions after you have created sections and items using How to Create an Inspection Section and Items and How to Add Inspection Items to a Section.

  1. Click the + sign to expand a related item.
  2. Click the Add Check link to open the Check Entry Note: The filtering fields at the top of the Check Entry window can help you screen the eligible checks.
  3. Click to mark the check boxes of the desired Item Codes.
  4. (Optional) Click the Form Specific Checks Subtab to select checks created for this Form from the Inspection Checks
  5. Click the Add Selected button and close the popup to add the checks and return to the layout.
  6. Expand and review the checks you have added. The Order # is inserted by default. See the next topic, How to Reorganize Inspection Layout Lines, to make changes.
  7. Repeat to add checks for the next item.

NOTE: If the same checks apply to all or several sections, expand the sections and mark the check boxes that apply. Click the Add Check to selected items link at the top of the grid. This saves time and keystrokes. When selections are saved, the selected checks are added to all checked items.

How to Edit Item Inspection Checks

Path: Organization > General Inspections > Inspection Form / Layout Tab

After you set up your Inspection Checks, you may wish to add or delete lines from the checks. WebTMA provides various ways to accomplish this. All these methods are available in Edit mode.

To delete all checks from an Item, mark the Item line check box, and click the Delete Checks from selected items link at the top of the grid. Use this link with caution, WebTMA simply removes all the checks without any “are you sure?” alerts.

To remove a single check from an Item, click the Trash Can icon at the beginning of a check line.

At times you may want to add new check lines and insert them among existing lines. To do this:

  1. Click the Add Check link to open the Check Entry
  2. Click to mark the check boxes of the desired Item Code or codes.
  3. Type Start at position number in the field at the bottom of the popup.
  4. Click the Add Selected button and close the popup to add the checks and return to the layout.
  5. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

Here is an example of how Start at position is used.

Assume you have three existing checks:

  1. Pressure Check
  2. Valve Check
  3. Seal Check

You want to add two more checks (Lube Check and Vibration Check) after the Pressure Check. When you select the new checks, enter the number 2 in the Start at position field. After you click the Add Selected button and review the item lines, the check list displays the following:

  1. Pressure Check
  2. Lube Check
  3. Vibration Check
  4. Valves Check
  5. Seal Check

Numbering Alert: If you have deleted lines, WebTMA does not reuse the deleted numbers. If you have deleted checks and insert new ones in their place, the Order # column inserts the new checks, but it shifts the lower numbers to remind you that check lines have been removed, so a gap in numbering still exists.

How to Reorganize Inspection Layout Lines

Path: Organization > General Inspections > Inspection Form / Layout Tab

Change the Order # sequence of Section, Item, or Check lines on the Layout Tab in Edit mode.

  1. (Optional) Click the + sign to expand a section to see the Items or Check list if the change applies to items or checks.
  2. Click the line edit icon for the affected line. The display shifts to show an Order #
  3. Type the new Order #.
  4. Click the Update
  5. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

When you click the Update link, the Order # values change. When you save the record, the lines are revised to display in the new order starting with number 1.

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