Facility Scheduler Lookup Settings - WebTMA 5


Path: Organization > Lookups / Expense Ticket Types

Path: Organization > Lookups / Expense Types

Establish categories for expense ticket types and expense types in order to account for expenses attributable to rentals.

These are similar to other types established in WebTMA Lookups windows and require completion of the Code and Description fields with optional Subtypes on each window.

The types are used when costs are recorded on the Expense Tickets window or the Rentals / Expenses window.


Path: Organization > Lookups / Holidays

If rentals for holidays are no charge, record the holidays observed by your organization on this window.

If the WebTMA System Administrator has marked the No Holidays check box on the Admin > Client Info > Rental Preferences Tab, the dates listed on this window are omitted from the fee calculations.

NOTE: Dates must be established at the beginning of each year.

Item Type Rental Rates Tab or Subtab

Path: Organization > Lookups > [Item] Types / Rental Rates Tab or Subtab

When the Facility Scheduler option is purchased, Rental Rates Tab is added as a Tab or Subtab to the Lookups / [Item] Types windows as well as the Item windows. The [Item] Types / Rental Rates Tab or Subtab is used to store rates and rental-related user-defined fields. It does not affect rentability of an item. Rentability is determined by marking the Rentable check box.

The following benefits derive by using Lookups Types to record rental rates:

  • eliminates multiple keystrokes to add the rental rates to each rentable item record
  • allows rate changes to one record rather than each rentable item record
  • accommodates ten user-defined fields that apply to rentals for the item type

When a Rental is made, WebTMA checks the item record to see if the Rentable check box is marked. If the Rentable check box on an item is not marked on either the Type or the Item record, the item cannot be rented.

If the fields on the [Item] Type / Rental Rates Tab or Subtab are populated but the fields for an individual item record are blank, WebTMA uses the Type information as the default. If the fields on the Rental Rates Tab or Subtab of an individual record are populated, the individual values override the defaults for that particular item.

This window also gives you the option to set a Required Lead Time. If you want your users to make reservations a certain number of days in advance, you can specify the number of days in the Required Lead Time field. When users set a request date that does not meet the lead time, a warning message alerts them. Lead time can only be set up from the [Item] Types window.

NOTE: The Usage Rate Subtab displays on the Rates Tab alongside the Rental Rates Subtab. Entries on the Usage Rate Subtab are not related to Rental Rates settings. Usage Rates pertain only to work order costs.

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