Reservation Window - WebTMA 5

Path: Transaction > Facility Scheduler > Reservation / Identity Tab

The Reservation window can be used to make a request by Type or for a particular item. If you reserve a specific item, this does not guarantee that the item will be available. A reservation must be converted to a rental in order to secure an item for use.

If your organization uses the optional Approval Routing module, an additional tab and rules apply to the Reservation window. See Approval Routing and Reservations on page 10 for more information.

If overbooking is allowed (an option during setup), conflicts are possible. Overbooking allows the same item to be reserved more than once for the same time period.

Allowed Requestors

Path: Admin > User Management > Records / Identity Tab

Requestor information is taken from the requestor record at Admin > User Management > Records / Identity Tab. Look to the Other Subtab in the Electronic Authorization section. If the Rental Request check box is marked for the requestor, the logged-in requestor can make reservations.

How to Create a Reservation

Path: Transactions > Facility Scheduler > Reservation / Identity Tab

The field labels on the Reservation window as well as the Reservation Resource Entry popup are self-evident. The left section on the Reservation / Identity Tab applies to the requestor, the right section relates to the reservation itself.

The Filter Calendar check box applies to Requestors that use Reservation Browse from a Requestor Login. When the Filter Calendar check box is marked, private information is available only to the person that created the request. When fully authorized Users view the Reservation Information, they can see both Public and Private details.

  1. Click Add on the WebTMA toolbar.
  2. Select the Requestor. Contact information fields are auto-populated from the requestor's record.
  3. Click the Add Resource
  4. Click the desired radio button on the Reservation Resource Entry popup window. This gives you the option to choose a general type or a specific item. Note: On the popup, the Start and End dates refer to the date range of the reservation. For more information about the Reservation Resource Entry window, see the Note below.
  5. Complete other fields on the popup window.
  6. Click Save on the popup window.
  7. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

If your organization does not use the Auto Reservation Counter, enter the required Reservation# as well.

WebTMA products for healthcare licensees include biomed devices as a maintenance-worthy item that can be reserved.

NOTE: The Reservation Resource Entry window accommodates a filter for available resources and includes an option to specify usage recurrence. When you want a Specific Item, complete the Facility and Item Type, and then click the filter icon  to see available items. Mark the Recurrence check box to enable the Daily, Weekly, and Monthly options. Complete the Recurrence Pattern and Range of Recurrence desired.

How to Accept Reservations

Path: Transactions > Facility Scheduler > Reservation / Identity Tab

Once a reservation is created, it is not eligible for rental until it has been accepted. This action can be performed for individual records or in batch mode from Transactions > Facility Scheduler > Reservation Batch Validation.

From the Reservation window:

  1. Locate the Reservation
  2. Click the Accept/Reject
  3. Click the Accept

When the Reservation window refreshes, the line item grid reflects the date accepted, and the request is ready to be converted.

How to Reject a Reservation

Path: Transactions > Facility Scheduler > Reservation / Identity Tab

If the reservation cannot be honored, you can reject it. Similar to the Request Log, an Accept/Reject Reason text box is used to state the reason for rejection. This action is performed in View mode.

  1. Locate the Reservation
  2. Click the Accept/Reject
  3. Type the Reject Reason in the free-form text field.
  4. Click the desired E-mail radio button. Note: Unless you send a reply, the requestor does not know the request has been rejected.
  5. Click the Reject

When the Reservation window refreshes, the line item grid reflects the date rejected.

How to Convert a Reservation

Path: Transactions > Facility Scheduler > Reservation / Identity Tab

Before a reservation can be converted to a rental, it must be accepted.

When it is time for clients to use the reserved item or location:

  1. Locate the Reservation
  2. Click the Convert link on the Action Menu.

The Rentals window opens and the related reservations fields are automatically populated.

NOTE: Conversions are also dependent on settings you make in Admin > Client Info / Rental Preferences. The various Subtabs on this window each have an Authorization Req check box. If the box is checked for the item type you are converting (Area, Equipment, Vehicle, etc.), the item cannot be converted until all the line items on the reservation are authorized.

Work Orders for Reserved Items

Path: Transactions > Work Order > Records / Identity Tab

If a new work order is written on a reserved or rented item or location and the work order request date falls within the reservation/rental dates, you receive the following alert: There is an event/resource/rental scheduled on this item/location on the request date specified. Are you sure you want to save?

When you click OK, the work order is saved and the Reservation ID and dates are added to the work order Request field.

The alert only applies to new work orders when a specific item has been selected for the reservation or rental.

This action also applies to Event Resources. If the same item or location were also selected for an Event and a work order created, only the first of the two transactions would appear in the Request field.

Approval Routing and Reservations

If your organization uses the Approval Routing System, an additional Approval Routing History Tab displays on the Reservations window.

When a reservation falls within the Approval Routing rules, a routing status displays on the Reservations / Identity Tab. Look for one of the following words displayed in bold just above the grid:

  • Authorization Required
  • Authorized
  • Authorization Rejected

Two new links have been added to the Action Menu for the Reservation window. Look for both the Authorize and Manual Routing links. The links are enabled in View mode only. The Authorize link allows you to approve, reject, or ignore the reservation request.

Once a reservation is accepted (using the Accept/Reject Subtab on the Identity Tab), the Manual Routing link is disabled.

If a submitted reservation is eligible for Approval Routing, no resources can be accepted or rejected using the instructions outlined on the previous page until all the line items on the reservation are authorized.

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