Pie Charts - WebTMA 5

How to Set Up Pie Charts

WebTMA recommends you have a separate Dashboard Tab.

The following steps elaborate on the choices you have for creating pie charts. Important: The Pie chart only displays segments that have data.

  1. Click the Add New Data Item
  2. Complete the Data Item Entry The Label field identifies the pie slice on the chart. Note: Use short label names to prevent overwriting on the graphic display.
  3. Select the Query Type. Usually this is Browse.
  4. Select the Window (i.e., module) related to the content of the pie chart. This field is not applicable if you select Report in the Query Type field.
  5. Select a Query created for the module. Note: Queries are created from the Browse Tab of the module. If you use the Report Query Type, only reports are included in the selection list.
  6. Select the Color for the pie slice.
  7. Click the Update button on the Data Item Entry popup window.

Add More Data Segments

  1. Repeat steps 2-6 to add more data segments. These can be from the same or different windows.
  2. Click Save on the MyPage Object Properties **
  3. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

** Initially, new controls display at the upper left of the Tab. If you have not moved an existing control, the new control covers it. In Edit mode, drag-and-drop new controls to arrange them on the Tab. Resize the Controls with click-and-drag using the standard MS Windows resizing arrows.

See How to Add Reports to Controls for instructions on using the Reports grid. If a report is associated with a Control, you can click an icon on the Control title bar in View mode to generate the report.

How to Add Reports to Controls

Every MyPage Control has an option to add non-system reports. If you view a report on a regular basis, adding it to the Control is convenient. You may need to scroll to the bottom of the MyPage Add Object window to see the Add Reports link. If you use a standard report, you can copy it to the Report Writer where it will be available for selection from the Dashboard control.

With the Control in Add or Edit mode:

  1. Click the Add Reports link in the Reports grid.
  2. Click the check box of all reports you want to add to this Control.
  3. Click Save on the Add Linked Report
  4. Click Save on the MyPage Add Object
  5. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

In View mode, an Open linked report  icon displays on the right side of the Control title bar. If you add a single report to the Control, WebTMA generates the report automatically when you click the icon. If you have selected several reports, click the icon to select from a list of your reports.

This option is different from the Report List Control. For Report List, the report names you select make up the body of the Control and display as list of hyperlinks. When the Query Type is Report, WebTMA filters the list and does not show Private reports unless the logged-in user is the Owner, i.e., the person who created the report and marked it private.

The value displayed for a Report query on a chart or gauge control is the row count based on the criteria of the selected report. Using a report in this way allows the reuse of a complex query in an existing report without having to recreate it in the query builder on the Browse Tab.


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