Meters Tab - WebTMA 5

Path: Organization > Vehicles > Records / Meters Tab

WebTMA stores information about the vehicle odometer or other vehicle meters on the Meters Tab. In addition to the actual reading, you can indicate when the odometer resets itself to 0, known as a rollover, and track how many times rollovers have occurred.

Click the plus sign next to a meter name to review details about previous readings and to add a new reading.

The Reading field represents the odometer value. Actual readings can be entered from the Quick Post Fuel & Oil window or the PMs Tab for the vehicle record; however, neither of these windows includes an indication that the meter has rolled over. Indicate rollovers from the Meters Tab. In Edit mode, click the Add Reading link, and complete the Meter Entry window.

The person who records a reading compares the rollover value to the number in the Digits field. For example, if the maximum reading for an odometer is 99,999, the number 5 is in the Digits field. Each time the meter reading exceeds 99,999, mark the Rollover check box.

When you click Save on the Meter Entry popup window, the value in the # of Rollovers column on the Meters Tab increases by 1.

How to Add Meters to Vehicles

Path: Organization > Vehicle > Records / Meters Tab

To add a meter to the Vehicle record from the Meters Tab:

  1. Click Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.
  2. Click the Add Meter link at the top of the grid.
  3. Type the required fields: Meter Code, Description, and Taken By.
  4. (Optional) Check the Odometer box if this is the vehicle's odometer.
  5. Complete other fields as needed. See definitions below.
  6. Click Save & Close on the popup window button.
  7. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

The meter is now a line item on the Meters window grid. You can add more than one meter if needed.

Following are short definitions of the fields on the popup window.

Meter Code – the identification code for the meter.

Description – text to help identify the use or purpose of the meter.

Initial Reading – the current reading on the meter.

Original Rollovers – applicable if the meter has been in use prior to this installation. It indicates how many times the readings have passed a designated number after which the meter was reset. See Digits for more explanation of a rollover.

Digits – the number of integers allowed for a meter reading before a meter rolls over or resets. Example: Assume the Digits field setting is 3. When the meter reading passes 999, the meter rolls over and meter reading values start at 0 once more. Click the Rollover check box on the Meter Entry window when the value exceeds the number of digits. Each time you save a meter entry with the Rollover check box marked, the value in the # of Rollovers column on the Meters window increases by 1.

Delta – the maximum difference expected before a user is asked to confirm their entry when entering a meter reading. This helps prevent related issues when the technician enters an incorrect reading. For example, the previous reading is 20,000 miles, and the technician enters 135,000 (instead of 35,000). If the Delta value is 20,000, WebTMA will prompt, "The value you have entered is greater than the acceptable delta. Do you want to continue?" This gives the user the opportunity to re-enter the correct value.

Odometer – mark this check box if the meter is the vehicle's odometer.

Taken By – the ID code of the person who recorded the information.

Tech Name – a read-only field that displays the name of the person who recorded the information based on the ID code in the Taken By field.

How to Add Meter Readings

Path: Organization > Vehicle > Records / Meters Tab

After you have added a meter to a record, you can use the Add Reading link on each meter line item to update the meter when a new reading is taken.

From the Meters tab of the desired vehicle record:

  1. Click Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.
  2. Click the + plus sign next to the desired meter line.
  3. Click the Add Reading link on the nested grid.
  4. Complete the required fields: Reading and Taken By.
  5. (Optional) Click the Rollover check box if the meter has exceeded the number of digits designated when you added the meter record.
  6. Click the Save button on the popup.
  7. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.
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