Custodial Inspection Browse -WebTMA 5

Path: Transactions > Custodial > Custodial Inspection Browse

The Custodial Inspection Browse functions are similar to other WebTMA Browse window functions. Use this window to locate custodial inspections by location, time period, form type, and other criteria.

Once you list the inspections, you can remove lines from the Browse list, zoom to individual custodial inspection records, batch print the inspections listed, and export the list.

How to Select Custodial Browse Criteria

  1. Open the custodial Inspection Browse Query
  2. Select a Location.
  3. Select a Period. You can use a predefined range such as Today, Last Week, This Month, or you can select a Beginning Date and Ending Date for a custom date range.
  4. Click to select a Form Type.
  5. Select other criteria if desired.
  6. Click the List Inspections button below the query fields to start the search.

A list of all inspections that meet the query criteria opens in the Custodial Inspection Browse window.

How to Select Custodial Browse Items

Once you have clicked the List Inspections button on the custodial Inspection Browse Query window, you can select one or all the check boxes adjacent to the line items in the Custodial Inspection Browse results window.

Select All

Click the check box in the header row of the first page. When the window refreshes, all check boxes on all pages of the list are marked.

This is useful when you want to Batch Print the selected items.

Select Specific Lines

Click the check box adjacent to the line item(s) desired. When you select multiple items, they can be removed from the list (not from the database) or printed in batch.

How to Remove Lines from Custodial Inspection Browse List

You can remove specific custodial inspection lines from the Custodial Inspection Browse list. This does not delete the record(s) from the database; it merely removes them from this list.

To do this:

  1. Click the check box adjacent to the line items to be removed.
  2. Click the Remove Selected

How to Zoom to Selected Custodial Inspections

To view an actual custodial inspection line:

  1. Generate a list using the custodial Inspection Browse Query window.
  2. Highlight the line item you want to view.
  3. Click the Zoom to Highlighted button on the list window.

The list remains in view, and the selected record displays in a second window.

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