Work Element Groups - WebTMA 5

Path: Transactions > Capital Planning > Work Element Groups

There are occasions where a subset of Work Elements should be grouped together so that action taken against them are done at the same time.

For example, if a car is on blocks without tires, it needs four tires. If it only gets two tires, the car cannot be driven. In the same way, some Work Elements must be funded at one time or not funded at all.

The Work Element Groups window defines a group that must be completely funded together. The implementation of that group is handled using the Capital Requests window.

A Capital Setup is required before any line items can be selected. The Group ID is an auto-counter.

The selected Capital Setup filters the list of available work elements.

The Target amount is a free text field used to indicate the estimated total amount needed for the group. This is for information only; there is no functionality associated with this field.

The Date field reflects the standard Capital Planning record Date. There is no functionality associated with this field.

To be eligible to belong to a group, a Work Element must:

  • Belong to the same Capital Setup as the Group header
  • Be Active
  • Be Un-funded
  • Not linked to a Capital Proposal
  • Not linked to another Work Element Group

Work Elements and Groups

As described in the previous topic, related Work Elements can be collected in a Group when the Work Elements need to be funded together. At times, you may want to mark the Closed field for a Work Element in a Work Element Group. If you want to add a Closed date, the following rules apply:

  • If a Work Element belongs to a Group and is NOT funded, the Closed field remains locked and the element cannot be closed.
  • If a Work Element belongs to a Group that is funded, the Closed field is enabled, and the element can be closed.
  • If a Work Element belongs to a Renewal Program, it is not eligible to be part of a Group.
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