WebTMA7 URL and IP Whitelist

Note: The following information is being provided to assist us in offering you the highest level
of service possible. It is not our intention to provide this information as a substitute for direct
customer support but merely to offer additional information to further enhance our ability to
provide you with a timely and accurate resolution to your issue or question.

To ensure you have the best experience with the WebTMA SaaS hosted application, we would
like you to whitelist the following URL & IP ranges within your network and security appliances.

Please add the following URLs and IP addresses to your whitelisting for any Network Content
Filtering and SMTP allowance. This will allow the WebTMA website/application to operate at
optimal efficiency on your network.

WebTMA 7 – https://webtma.com
WebTMA 7 Azure ‐ <clientcustomdomain>.webtma.com

WebTMA IP Ranges
WebTMA 7 ‐ to [63] and
WebTMA 7 Azure ‐ Public Azure IP ranges (https://www.microsoft.com/enus/

E‐mail IPs
WebTMA 7 ‐ SMTP IP ‐
WebTMA 7 Azure ‐ Azure Email IP ‐ via SendGrid
• Emails will be sent from noreply@webtma.com unless DKIM is configured for your domain

**If you are an existing client already operational on WebTMA SaaS, you can confirm your
operating environment by looking at the URL when you log in to WebTMA (webtma.com or
webtma.net) or contacting TMA Support @ support@tmasystems.com .

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