The Request Status Browse window is an easy way to review current and previous requests.
The window has two Sections: My Numbers and My Work History.
When you click a value in the My Numbers Section, a flyout displays individual line items. You determine the information you want to review using the .
The My Work History Section contains numerous columns that can be filtered to search for previous requests. If a speech bubble icon displays on a line, you can click to View Tech Comments.
How to Choose My Numbers Display
In the My Numbers Section:
Select the gear icon to open the Manage Metrics flyout.
Mark the check boxes of data you want to see.
Select the Save button on the flyout.
My Work History Rules
To avoid timeout issues, use the fields on the Work History grid to set the Time Frame for viewing and reporting. The default is the Last 30 Days, but you have the option to select any of the options in the drop-down list.
In addition, you can search up to one year of historic data, and you can determine the year to be searched. If you need to see, for example, FY 2020-2021, just enter a Start Date of 07/01/2020 and End Date of 06/30/2021.
Pending Request results are also limited to the specified range. This means that you can review pending or resolved records from a single day.
The following list outlines the date information that is searched against:
- Pending Requests – With no Accept date and no Reject date, Request Date is within the date range.
- Rejected Requests – Load all records that were rejected (Reject Date) within the date range.
- Accepted Requests with Open Work Orders – Load records associated with open Work Orders that were accepted (Accept Date) within the date range.
- Accepted Requests with Closed Work Orders – Load records associated with Work Orders that were closed (WO Closed Date) within the date range.