Setup for using the Approval Routing system involves granting Preferences as well as establishing authorizers on Smart Route Tabs for Departments and Repair Centers.
Set Approval Routing System Preferences
In setup, the WebTMA System Administrator grants the Approval Routing System Preference on the Client Info / Preferences Tab to use Approval Routing rather than the standard WebTMA authorization process.
- Follow the menu path to open the window.
- Click Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.
- Select Granted for Approval Routing System.
- (Optional) Grant Modern Approval Routing Execution if you want to add multiple criteria.
- Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.
Once the Preference is Granted, the Routes you establish can be used.
Smart Route Tabs
Path: Organization > Department / Smart Route Tab
Path: Organization > Repair Center > Records / Smart Route Tab
The Smart Route Tab is found on both the Department and Repair Center windows when your organization uses the Approval Routing system.
Use the Tab to select and rank, in order, any authorizers to be assigned when either the Department or Repair Center is selected on the Approval Routing Criteria window.
In Add or Edit mode:
- Click the Add Authorizer link to open the Smart Route Entry flyout.
- Add as many authorizers as needed with the same or different Order number. See Note below.
- Click the Save button on the flyout.
- Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.
NOTE: You can assign one or more persons to the same order number (same level). Having several authorizers per level helps you expedite approvals since only one person per level approves the request. Others at that level are notified by email when the request has been approved. The email notice includes the name of the person who authorized the request.
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