Path: Admin > User Management > Records / Data Access Tab
Without specific data access, a user cannot view any records in the database. The Data Access Tab consists of four Sections used to set access to the Organization (location), to Repair Centers, to Warehouses, and to Reports. The Organization Access Section displays a tree list of the top hierarchy levels with adjacent arrows available to expand the tree and see lower levels in the hierarchy.
Data Access Tab
Permission to make changes to this window should be limited to WebTMA Administrators; however, if users have access to the window, any modifications they make are limited to those they have been granted.
If a user is denied upper level access, any lower levels are also denied; however, you can turn on upper level access and turn off selected lower level access.
The Repair Center Access Section shows all Repair Centers for your organization, and the Warehouse Access Section shows all the Warehouses. You can grant or deny access from each of these Sections.
The Report Categories Section lists Parent Categories and Categories from the Report Manager window. If a category is not turned on for a User, the category is not visible on Report Manager Query lists.
To add or change settings in any of these Sections, click Edit on the WebTMA toolbar, and select the desired access. Remember to click the arrow to expand the view to lower levels in the Sections.
For convenience, you can also click the buttons available at the top of each Section (in Edit mode). Click one of these buttons, Grant All, Deny All, and Not Determined All, to set all access on the Section. Once the window is marked, you can make individual line access changes as needed, and then click Save on the WebTMA toolbar to save your changes.
Unless you grant access to data for some locations and Repair Centers, the user cannot see any records in WebTMA. Similarly, if all Warehouses are denied, the user cannot see any of the Warehouse records. Reports are restricted by the categories for Report Manager or Report Writer.
NOTE: Settings for Data Access propagate from Group-Level to User-Level only when denied at the Group level or when User-Level values are not set.
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