Path: Admin > Client Info / Rental Preferences Tab
Rental Preferences apply to the Reservations modules only. When setting up your reservation options, go to this window to set the default requirements for renting items. Click the Sections that represent the Reservation modules purchased by your organization.
The following definitions apply to any of the Items or Locations shown on the Rental Preferences Tab. A different default Check-in Task can be selected for each Item or Location, but only a single Task is allowed for each. Options to use Rental, Request, or Reservation Counters are found on the Admin > Client Info / Counters Tab.
Rent [Item/Location] Allow Overbooking
If Granted, this option can create conflicts. The option allows the same item to be requested or reserved multiple times for the same time period.
Rent [Item/Location] Authorization Required
Grant to prevent conversion of Reservation Requests without an electronic authorization.
Rent [Item/Location] Check-In Task
If you have a Task to be followed when the item is checked in, select it here. You can choose to generate a Work Order for this task when the item is returned. Note: Make this a generic Task since only one Task can be assigned as a Rental Preference to each type of Item or Location.
Rent [Item/Location] No Holidays
If Granted, no charges are calculated for any dates found in Organization > Lookups / Holidays.
Rent [Item/Location] No Weekends
If Granted, no charges are calculated for any weekend dates during which the Item or Location is in use.
Rent [Item/Location] Written Authorization
If Granted, this requires Reservation agents to have a paper document with the authorizer's signature rather than an electronic authorization before releasing the rented Item or Location.
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