If your organization uses the optional Training module, Training Taken is on the WebTMA GO Main Menu. It is used by Trainers to view the list of Class Trainees as well as mark Pass/Fail for attendees and add a Class Closed date if desired.
In addition, Trainee and Trainer Time Type selections are available on the QP Labor window to log training-related hours.
In WebTMA GO, Training requests are required for all Training assignments.
QP Labor and Training Hours
Path: Main Menu > Quick Post > QP Labor
When the optional Training module is used, the QP Labor window allows Trainees to select a Trainee Time Type and Trainers to select a Trainer Time Type. This removes the Work Order # requirement and causes a Class field to display. The Class and Hours fields are then required.
The Class field drop-down displays the classes assigned to the logged in Technician.
Training Taken Window
Path: Main Menu > Training Taken
Trainers use this window to mark each Trainee as Pass, Fail, or Not Attended. If desired, the Trainer can also enter the Class Closed date. An entry in the Class Closed field automatically populates the Class Closed field for each line item; however, you can remove the date for individual lines.
When the Trainee lines are completed and saved successfully, the window becomes read-only.
The Trainer's user record requires a setting in the main application to allow the Trainer to make use of the Training Taken window.
Training Module User Setup for WebTMA Go
To use the Training Taken window in WebTMA GO, Technicians need their User Management record updated in the main application. Go to Admin > Records > User Management / Mobile Access Tab and expand WebTMA GO to see Training Taken. Grant Add Only to the record.
Training Module Time Types Setup
Path: Organization > Lookups > Time Types
The Time Type requirements for the Training module in the main application also apply to the Training Taken window in WebTMA GO. These are listed below.
When you use the Training module, two additional check boxes are visible on the Lookups > Time Types window – Trainee and Trainer. These check boxes must be marked according to the following rules:
No more than one Time Type can be marked as Trainer or Trainee.
The same Time Type can be marked as both Trainer and Trainee.
The Trainer and/or Trainee Time Types cannot have the Work Order Time check box marked.
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