Training Taken in WebTMA GO - WebTMA 5

Path: Main Menu > Training Taken

This menu selection is available if you have purchased the optional Training module. It is used the same way as the Training Taken option in WebTMA.

Both trainers and trainees use the Training Taken window to record attendance dates, time, and hours. Trainers can also enter student Pass/Fail and Closed Date information. Only Trainers can enter a Class Closed date.

The Trainer column indicates 'Yes' when the logged in user is the Class trainer. Otherwise, the column is blank.

  1. Tap a line to open the record
  2. Complete the required and elective fields.
  3. Scroll up to see all class attendees.
  4. Tap Save when all fields are complete.

If you are an attendee, you can enter the Date of Work, Hours, and Comments.

When the record is saved, the hours are recorded in the labor table in WebTMA as NP (non-productive) labor. To review training hours, use the Report Manager > Labor Cost report.

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