WebTMA GO Path: Main Menu > Work Orders > Request Log
The Request Log List window can be used to download Requests from the main application if the logged in user has the authorization to approve Requests.
The window can also be used to create New requests when the Technician needs to report work to be done.
How to Add New Request
If you encounter a situation that requires attention, you can create a Request and submit it from WebTMA GO.
From the Request Log List window:
Tap New at the upper left.
Complete the required fields (Request Type Desc, Requestor Name, Action Requested).
Enter any other information as needed.
Tap Save.
If you have a WiFi or Cellular connection, the Request is submitted to the main application, and a checked line item displays in WebTMA GO on the Request Log List window.
Existing Requests
When you tap a line item to approve an existing Request, the window includes several icons and functions.
Tap the chevron next to the Main Menu link on the Request Log window to use the Duplicate (copy), Convert to Work Order, or Reject Request options.
The Duplicate feature makes a copy of the existing record to save data entry when the contents of most fields are the same. Make the needed changes, and tap Save on the title bar to add the new record.
The Convert To Work Order and Reject Request options are enabled only if the logged in user has permission to approve or reject Requests.
A paperclip with stylized picture icon below the Status field indicates one or more Linked Documents or Photos. Go to the Linked Photos or Linked Documents Tab to open the linked file.
E-mail Requestor from Request Log
If the Request Log record includes a valid e-mail address in the Requestor E-mail field, you can long press on the address field to send a message to the Requestor.
A Send Email window opens addressed to the Requestor so you can send an e-mail message.
Your WebTMA System Administrator can set up an e-mail template to give you a format for your e-mail Subject and Message, but this is not required.
How to Convert Request to Work Order
Click the Convert To Work Order option to convert Work Orders. It opens the Convert to Work Order window where you can complete the fields needed to create a Work Order.
Some of the fields are populated based on the Request. Required fields are marked in red.
Complete required fields.
Enter as much elective information as available.
Tap Save on the title bar.
Reminder: This option is available only if permission is granted on your user record.
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