Path: Transactions > Work Order > Records / Identity Tab
The Work Order / Identity Tab displays the fields used to create a Work Order. Information on this window includes:
- what work is to be done
- where the work is performed
- when the work must be done
- who requested the work
- who pays for the work
Work Order Identity Details
If the Task, i.e., the work to be done, relates to a Contract, the Contractor name is displayed in the Task Information Section of the Identity Tab. If the work is related to a Project, the More Information Section shows the Project #.
Required Fields must be completed to save a Work Order record. However, many of the elective fields provide useful information. If the required fields in your version of WebTMA are different from the defaults, your WebTMA System Administrator has changed the requirements for your organization.
General Information Section
When you select Add on the WebTMA toolbar, you see that certain fields are required by the system. Required Fields are color-highlighted and a red asterisk (*) displays after the label. Your organization can elect to require additional fields that must also be completed. The nomenclature for the field labels used in WebTMA Help reflects the product defaults; however, your organization may have changed some of the labels to reflect your industry usage.
Access to records for a specific Repair Center is limited to a user’s privileges. For example, if your Login access is restricted to Physical Plant and Facilities Maintenance, the only options on the Repair Center Code field selection list are these two Repair Centers. If you are granted access to only one Repair Center, WebTMA automatically loads this as the default setting.
Repair Center access is granted or denied by authorized administrators.
See WO Identity Tab Sections for descriptions of the other sections of the Work Order / Identity Tab.
How to Create Space-Related Work Orders
When the selection field displays a location, the system identifies the Work Order as space- or area-related. For more information about filtering selection lists, see Select Location/Item field in Work Order Required Fields. When you tab from field to field, the tabbing order is down the first column within the Section and then down the second column.
To create a space-related Work Order:
- Open the Work Order window.
- Select Add on the WebTMA toolbar.
- Choose Select Location in the first field.
- Select the appropriate level (Facility, Building, etc.).
- Choose the desired code. You can type the first few characters to filter the list. If you want to see a full selection list window, use the Ellipsis button.
- Enter data in the color-highlighted fields with red asterisks. The system-required fields are defined in Work Order Required Fields.
- Complete as many elective fields as possible.
- Add a Task. See Work Order Tasks for complete information about single and multiple Tasks.
- Choose Save on the WebTMA toolbar to save the record.
When charges are posted, labor and other costs associated with space-related Work Orders are rolled to the Area, Building, Facility or higher level records associated with the Work Order.
How to Create Item-Related Work Orders
When you select an item number, the system populates fields associated with the item such as the location.
If the item is not currently in its assigned location, you can select a different location. This tells the Technician where to find the item. It does not change the item record itself. This is useful for Equipment items that are used in several areas of the Facility but have a fixed location recorded on the Equipment record.
When you tab from field to field, the tabbing order is down the first column within the Section and then down the second column.
- Open the Work Order window.
- Select Add on the WebTMA toolbar.
- Choose Select Item.
- Select the appropriate item type and the item.
- (Optional) Change the location if the item is not currently in its usual place.
- Complete the Work Order Required Fields.
- Enter as many elective fields as possible.
- Add a Task. See the Tasks topics for complete information about this process.
- Choose Save on the WebTMA toolbar.
When Work Orders are created for a particular item, costs and other information are rolled up to the item's record.
How to Edit an Existing Work Order
A Work Order can be edited to add or change data.
To maintain the PM status of auto-generated PM Work Orders, do not change an Item on PM Work Orders. WebTMA alerts you if you attempt to save such changes with a message saying, "Changing Work Order type, item, or task code will disconnect from the PM Schedule and affect reports. Do you wish to proceed?" 'Yes' clears the PM information from the Work Order. 'No' discards changes.
Use these instructions to update a Task line for example.
- Open the Work Order window.
- Enter the Work Order # in Fast Find - Search to open the record.
- Select Edit on the WebTMA
- Make the needed changes.
- Choose Save on the WebTMA toolbar to save the record.
How to Close Work Orders
When all the physical work, related paperwork, and any other requirements are finished, you can mark the Work Order as Closed.
- Locate the Work Order record.
- Select Edit on the toolbar.
- Enter a date in the Closed Date field.
- (Optional) Choose the Results Tab and review the list to be sure all critical or important actions have been performed.
- Select Save on the toolbar.
How to Open a Related Record from the WO
You can open records related to a Work Order from the Work Order / Identity Tab. Any field label that is underlined indicates you can select the label to open the associated record in a separate browser tab. This allows you to view both records at once.
Printing Work Orders
From the Work Order window, print format options depend on selections made by your organization.
Options include:
- Print of basic work order
- Print format selections (.pdf, .html, Excel, image)
If Parts or Tools have been allocated to a Work Order, they print automatically on a separate sheet when the Work Order is printed.
The default printer is determined by the following hierarchy: (1) Shop, (2) Repair Center, i.e., if the Shop has a default printer, it is used. If no Shop printer is designated, the Repair Center printer is used.
How to Print a Work Order
To print the current Work Order:
- Select Print on the WebTMA toolbar.
- Choose the desired button (PDF, HTML, Excel, or Image). The default format on the Print Option flyout is PDF.
- Follow the on-screen prompts depending on your output selection to send the Work Order to the printer.
To print several Work Orders at one time, go to the WO Browse window, select your criteria, mark the check boxes of the lines desired, and choose the Print Selected button.
Print Work Order Number Bar Code
To translate the Work Order number to a bar code, the following are needed:
- Download and install the bar code font w39l.ttf. file attached to this article.
- Reload your browser.
- Edit Client Info / Preferences–Work Order to grant Show Bar Code.
Once the bar code is enabled, your Work Orders will print with a bar code below the Work Order number as shown below.
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