Path: Transactions > Work Order > Requested Part Browse
Use the Requested Part Browse window to look for Parts that have been requested from the Work Order / Schedule Tab–Requested Part Section. The list includes both stocked and OTP (One-Time Purchase) Parts.
A Query flyout opens to allow use of an existing Query or create your own. Select the List Results button to generate a list. You can always select the New Browse Selection link on the Requested Part Browse window to re-open the Query flyout and create a different list.
Requested Part Browse List
The list of Requested Parts shows the associated Work Order number and information about the Requested Part. Scroll across to see all columns.
- The Requested Quantity column indicates the number of Parts requested.
- The Balance column shows the number of Requested Parts still outstanding.
Similar to other Browse modules, the buttons at the bottom of the window are used to Convert lines to a PO or PR, Cancel Selected Parts, manipulate the visible lines, Export some or all lines to an Excel spreadsheet, and Convert to a WO Part/Charge.
If you mark the check boxes of desired lines and choose Export Selected, the spreadsheet can essentially become a pick list for use in the Warehouse to pull stock from the shelves.
If you see that the quantity available is less than the number you require, an authorized user can select the Convert button to order more parts. If the same part is selected several times from the list before you convert, WEBTMA adds the total to one line item on the PR or PO and assigns multiple distribution lines.
When you select the Convert to WO Part/Charge button, WebTMA creates an On-hand Adjustment record to indicate that the Part was issued for the Work Order.
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