Use the WO Browse window to make a comprehensive search of your Work Orders, both open and closed. From the generated list, you can take numerous actions.
The Query flyout is used to filter the types of Work Orders you want to review. In addition, you can save and reuse frequently-used queries.
Regardless of the columns you have selected for your queries, WebTMA always includes certain columns. The following columns display because they supply information that WebTMA deems critical: WO#, Request Date, Task Code, Task Desc, Tag #, and Tag Description.
WO Browse Actions
When the list is generated, you can also:
- Open a Work Order record in a separate browser tab (select a number in the WO # column)
- Remove selected lines from the visible list (not from the database)
- Schedule selected Work Orders
- Change the Due Date in batches
- Close selected Work Orders in batches
- Change the Status
- Export a page or all lines to an Excel spreadsheet
- Select a full page at one time (mark Select Page check box)
- See a count of the total number of lines selected (Items Selected)
- Print Selected lines
How to Select WO Browse Criteria
The Query flyout opens when you select the New Browse Selection link at the top of the grid. Set your search criteria on this window to generate a browse list.
Follow the menu path to open the window.
- Choose the New Browse Selection link.
- Create a query.
- Select the List Results button.
When the search is complete, the records that match your criteria are displayed in the Work Order Browse window. If you have generated a browse list and wish to change some of the settings, you can generate a new list.
To do this, choose the New Browse Selection link at the top of the list window to re-open the Query flyout.
WO Browse Results
The search results show specific Work Orders based on your Work Order Query selections.
Depending on your data, this list can display a number of different items of information. These include any additional columns you added using the Display Column Subtab on the Query flyout.
Reminder: WebTMA will always include the following columns: WO#, Request Date, Task Code, Task Desc, Tag #, and Tag Description.
How to Close Selected Work Orders from a Browse List
You can close Work Orders in batch from the Browse list. However, if the closed Work Order has no labor lines, the Work Order is marked as Work Not Done.
Generate a list.
Mark the check boxes of the Work Orders you want to close.
Choose the Close Selected button at the bottom of the window.
Select OK on the "Are you sure..." message.
Accept or change Close Date and Time on the WO Browse Close Selected flyout.
Choose the Save button on the flyout.
On each Work Order closed from the WO Browse window, the Closed Date field shows the current date. However, if the Work Order has not been scheduled, the Work Not Done check box is marked on the Work Order / Identity Tab–Task Information Section.
WO Browse Action Menu
The Action Menu for the WO Browse / Identity Tab gives you the option to:
Update Due Date
Send Survey
If icons display at the beginning of a line, use the Legend link on the Action Menu to identify them.
How to Change Task Due Dates in Batch
If your user privileges allow it, use the Update Due Date link on the Action Menu of a Work Order Browse list to update the Task due date for any number of selected items.
Generate a list.
Mark the check boxes adjacent to the Work Orders you want to change.
Choose the Update Due Date link on the Action Menu to open the WO Browse Batch Update Due Date flyout.
Enter the new Due Date and time.
Choose the Save button.
The Due Date field in the Work Order / Identity Tab Task Information Section is updated with the specified Due Date on each Work Order record that was checked.
WO Browse and Surveys
To update or send a survey, mark the check box at the beginning of any Work Order lines you want to affect.
The Send Survey link on the Action Menu sends or re-sends a Customer Survey to checked Work Order lines if they meet the following criteria:
The Repair Center for the Work Order has a Customer Survey established.
The Work Order is Closed.
An e-mail address is entered on the Work Order.
The logged-in User has the User Preference Send Manual Customer Survey granted.
If line items do not meet the criteria, WebTMA returns a message that one or more surveys could not be sent.
Want to Learn More?
Visit the WebTMA Help Page