Work Order Results Tab - WebTMA 7


Path: Transactions > Work Order > Records / Results Tab

This window is used to record the Technician's Comments. If the Task includes a Checklist, the Check Results link on the Action Menu is used to add check results and values.

In Edit mode, select the Add Comments link to enter Comments on the Result Entry flyout. Use this field for short notes about the Task or Tasks.

The General Comments field is used to add more extensive notes about the work. If the text exceeds the visible field, move your cursor over the textured triangle at the lower right of the large text fields, then click-and-drag to enlarge the General Comments to see all text. The same action is available for the Corrective Action field in the Safety & Risk Section. You can also select the expand icon in View or Edit mode.

How to Use the Results Comments Section

In addition to using the standard pencil and trash can icons, you can add new Comments from the desired Work Order record:

  1. Select the Results Tab.
  2. Choose Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.
  3. Use the Add Comments link at the top of the grid top open the Result Entry flyout.
  4. Select the applicable Task.
  5. Type comments in the Task Comment field.
  6. Choose the Save button on the flyout.
  7. (Optional) Type General Comments in the free-form field on the Results Tab.
  8. Select Save on the WebTMA toolbar to save the record.

Safety & Risk Section

The information in this section is for reporting safety-related issues. Use this Section to track data when the Task requested on a Work Order involves safety issues where Technicians or others may be at risk.

If you add accident and error information on a consistent basis, you can go to Reports > Report Manager and search for reports in the Safety & Risk category to see a number of related reports.

To record safety information:

  1. Open the desired Work Order record.
  2. Choose the Results Tab.
  3. Select Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.
  4. Scroll to the Safety & Risk Section.
  5. Complete the fields and check boxes that are appropriate.
  6. Add any Corrective Action taken in the free-form text field.
  7. Choose Save on the WebTMA toolbar to save the record.

Test Items Section

When a job requires the use of a Tool or maintenance-worthy item, you can track the date at the time the item was used and the item’s calibration. This information is found in the Test Items Section.

Once added to this Section, the information remains static. For example, the Last Calibrated entry does not change on this record when the item is re-calibrated in the future; rather, the Section shows you a snapshot of the calibration date when the item was used for this Work Order. If a problem is found with the calibration of the linked Tool or Equipment, all work done using the item can then be located for re-evaluation. This is of benefit to Biomed departments to meet a Joint Commission requirement. The information is also required for ISO-9001 certification.

To enter items for display in this Section, go to the Costs Tab. When you select the Post Test Item button in Edit mode, the Work Order Cost Entry flyout opens to allow you to add relevant information. If a fee for using this item is charged, mark the Chargeable or Flat Rate? check box on the flyout and complete the related fields that are required such as Unit Cost. If the Rates Tab on the maintenance-worthy item record has been completed, rates default from that record.

If you need to delete lines, they are deleted from the Test Items Section on the Results Tab in Edit mode. This is true whether the item is chargeable or not. If a chargeable item has been posted, the deletion shows as a negative number on the Costs Tab.


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