Path: Organization > General Inspections > Master Inspection Check
Master Inspection Checks describe the items to be observed or actions to be taken by Technicians when they make an inspection using the Inspection Sheet.
If the check applies to a Meter, you are asked to select the Meter Type Code when you mark the Reading check box. This assures that when the Technician records a reading on the Inspection Sheet from the Work Order the reading also displays on the Meters Tab of the inspected item.
If you want to group your checks before creating the Inspection Form / Layout Tab, go to Inspection Check Group for instructions on how to create a group of checks that can be applied to the Inspection Form with one click.
Add as many checks as needed.
How to Add a Master Inspection Check
- Choose Add on the WebTMA toolbar.
- Enter the check Description.
- Mark the check boxes to determine the types of information that are required on the Inspection Sheet such as Pass/Fail, Reading, and Comments. *
- (Optional) Select the Defaults. These are values for corrective Work Orders for this check such as Priority, Repair Center, etc. If added, these are used instead of the values established on the Identity Tab of the Inspection Form. The hierarchy for default values is (1) Master Inspection Check and (2) Inspection Forms / Inspection Checks.
- Choose Save on the WebTMA toolbar.
* Meter-related fields are visible when the Reading check box is marked. When both Pass/Fail and Reading are checked, the Upper Limit and Lower Limit fields are also visible.
After you add Master Inspection Checks, they are available for selection from the Inspection Form / Layout Tab when you create inspections.
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