General Inspections in mobileTMA GO for iOS - WebTMA 7

Path: General Inspection

If your organization uses the optional General Inspections module, logged-in users that have permission to make inspections and are scheduled on the related Work Order can see or generate a list of inspections displayed on the General Inspections List window. If the window is empty, tap the Option blue_white_chevron.png chevron and select Refresh.

Similar to other mobileTMA GO windows, an 'A' in the right column indicates the Work Order is assigned to the logged-in user and a 'T' shows that a Timer is running on the inspection. When the Timer is running, the 'T' also displays on the Work Order (List) window for the Work Order linked to the Inspection.

In addition, when you tap the Stop Timer button from the Inspection window, the QP Labor window opens with the additional Add functionality to easily record the same information for several Technicians.

General Inspections Window


















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