IT Equipment Setup - WebTMA 7

Similar to other modules in WebTMA, your WebTMA System Administrator needs to perform some setup before users can add records.

Three Lookup types apply to IT Equipment: Hardware Type, IT Equipment Type, and Software.

Hardware Type

Path: Organization > Lookups > Hardware Type

Use the Hardware Type to enter specific kinds of IT hardware such as adapter, hard drive, and switch.

IT Equipment Type

Path: Organization > Lookups > IT Equipment Type

Use the IT Equipment Type to create broader categories of IT Equipment such as laptop, desktop, and server.

Software Types

Path: Organization > Lookups > Software / Identity Tab

Use the Software Lookup window to record Major Version, Serial Numbers, Number of Seats allowed, and the date of purchase.

As interim versions are issued, such as v. 10.4, add the newest update to the Software Versions Section. The combination of product name and version must be unique. For example, you can have only one record for Excel version 1.1, but you can add Excel version 1.2 to the Software Versions Section.

The Publisher field looks to the WebTMA vendor (Organization > Vendors) records for selections.

The Usage Tab displays a read-only list of the items that have the Software installed. The Tab displays items added to recrods from Organization > IT Equipment > Records / Identity Tab Software Section or from Organization > Biomed > Records / IT SecurityTab.


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