Biomed Mass Reversal - WebTMA 7

Path: Organization > Biomed > Biomed Mass Reversal

If you need to reverse mass updated records, you have the option of using the Biomed Mass Reversal window.

Reversals are made starting with the most recent Biomed Mass Update records. For example, if updates are made on the 8th, 9th, and 10th of the month and you want to reverse the 8th, you must reverse both the 10th and the 9th before you can reverse the 8th.

Click a Batch # in the generated list to open the Biomed Batch Detail flyout and review all items that were mass updated including the updated fields. In the Item List Section, click the linked Control ID number to open the Biomed Equipment item record in a separate browser tab.

Mass Reversal Commands

Once you select a Created On or After date, click the icon next to Set Query. WebTMA queries the database and displays a list of batches that fit the criteria. By default, the Show Reversed check box is clear and the list does not include any Biomed Mass Updates that have been reversed. When checked, the system displays both reversed and updated lines.

Click the Reverse link on the Action Menu to reverse the most recent Biomed Mass Update. An alert window opens with the question, “Are you sure that you want to reverse batch# XX?” Click OK to reverse the changes or Cancel to return to the Biomed Mass Reversal window without making any changes.

How to Reverse Mass Updated Records

Reminder: Reversals are made starting with the last Mass Update batch.

  1. Open the Biomed Mass Reversal window.
  2. Select a Created On or After date to display a list of all batches that were mass updated on that date forward.
  3. (Optional) Click to mark the Show Reversed check box to see both updated and reversed batches.
  4. Select the icon next to Set Query to list Biomed Mass Updates that match the criteria.
  5. Choose the Reverse link on the Action Menu to reverse the most recent Biomed Mass Update batch.
  6. Select OK on the “Are you sure…” message. When the reversal is complete, WebTMA notifies you in a message.
  7. (Optional) Continue to reverse batch lines until you have reversed the desired Batch #.

Even if you attempt to select a line that is not the most recent, the confirmation message shows the Batch # of the most recent Biomed Mass Update, and that is the line that is reversed. Note also that previously reversed lines cannot be reversed again.


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