Path: Organization > Floors
The Floors window is used to describe separate Floors within a Building. If your organization tracks information by Floor, use this optional hierarchy level.
Most fields on the Floor / Identity window are required. You can also complete the Location Section if Latitude / Longitude are needed and enter free-form text in the Description Section if details about the Floor are required.
How to Add Floor Records
On the Floors window:
- Choose Add on the WebTMA toolbar.
- Enter the Floor #.
- Select the Building Code or Building Name. This is the Building where the Floor is located.
- Enter the Floor Type.
- (Optional) Enter relevant Floor information in the Description Section.
- Select Save on the WebTMA toolbar.
Popup Message Section
The Popup Message field is used to add a short (255 character) message about a record. The Popup Message then opens in a flyout on the Request or Work Order windows when the item or location is selected.
Use of the Popup Message field is not required. It is available to add quick reminders regarding anything unusual that concerns the item or location.
Messages written for any location record apply to all locations within that hierarchy; therefore, a message from the Facility record displays when the related Area is selected. If an item has a message and is associated with locations that also have messages, the Popup Message displays all the eligible location messages as well as the item message.
The Work Order and Request windows that include items or locations with Popup Messages display a blue pushpin icon to alert you to the presence of the messages. Click the pushpin to open a window that lists all relevant messages. In addition, it displays when you convert a Request to a Work Order or a Project Task to a Work Order.
UDF Section
The UDF Section is available to record information or data that is not included in the predefined fields of a record. The Section is found on many windows. These are added by your WebTMA System Administrator.
You can also create corresponding UDF fields for two windows: Work Order and Request Log. If you create UDFs in the System Form Attributes window for each window and these share the same label and the same data type (i.e., Name and Type), the contents of the UDF field on your Request is carried to the corresponding UDF field on the Work Order when accepted.
These UDF fields can also be included on the Service Request Form / Layout Tab when System Administrators create new Service Request Forms.
Prevent Archival Section
If you use the optional Archive and Purge module, a mark in the Prevent Archive check box of the Prevent Archival Section allows you to designate a specific record as ineligible for being archived.
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