Path: Organization > Repair Center > Trade / Identity Tab
Trades are used to group Technicians who share the same skills and perform the same type of work. Each Technician must be associated with a Trade. This can be done from the individual Technician record or from the Trade record.
Trade Details
Information in Trade records applies to the entire Trade. The WO Query field on the Identity Tab applies if your organization uses the Work Order Queue functionality. The field names a query created from the Work Order (using the Find flyout) that applies to the WO Queue for a Technician Login.
You can limit a Trade to selected Repair Centers if needed. The Repair Center Tab is used to assign a Trade to one or more Repair Centers. At least one Repair Center assignment is required.
The UDF Section is available to record information or data that is not included in the predefined fields of a record. The Section is found on many windows. These are added by your WebTMA System Administrator.
Batch Update Technician Charge Rates
If you have a number of Technicians with the same Trade, you have the option to update the Charge Rate for the Technicians in batch when you change the Default Charge on the Trade / Identity Tab.
When you enter a new rate, a popup window displays:
If you click Cancel, no Technician records are changed.
If you click OK, the Technician's Charge Rate is changed in either of the following conditions:
- Update the Technician's Charge Rate when their only Trade was just updated.
- Update the Charge Rate for Technician's with multiple Trades when their Preferred Trade was just updated.
How to Add Trades
- Open the Trade module.
- Click Add on the WebTMA toolbar.
- Type the Trade Code/Name.
- Add any elective information.
- Click the Repair Center Tab.
- Assign at least one Repair Center to the Trade.
- Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.
Technician Tab
Technicians must be associated with a Trade. This can be done from the individual Technician record or from the Trade record. The Trade / Technician Tab can be used to assign a number of Technicians to a given Trade rather than opening the individual Technicians' records.
- Select the desired Trade record.
- Click the Technician Tab.
- Click Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.
- Click the Add Technician link at the top of the grid to open the Technician Entry flyout.
- Click the check boxes of all Technicians you want to add.
- Click Add Selected on the flyout.
- Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.
Repair Centers Tab
Use the Repair Centers Tab to associate one or more Repair Centers with a record. Only users that are assigned to the associated Repair Center(s) can see and use the record.
You are reminded to assign a Repair Center if you attempt to save a new record without selecting at least one Repair Center. Without a linked Repair Center, no one can view the record or assign work to an employee or for an item.
How to Affiliate a Repair Center with a Record
You can add as many Repair Centers as needed to a record. In Add or Edit mode:
- Select the Repair Center Tab.
- Choose the Add Repair Center link at the top of the grid to open the Repair Center Entry flyout.
- Mark the check boxes of all applicable Repair Centers. Tip: To select All Repair Centers, mark the check box next to the label Repair Center Code.
- Select the Add Selected button.
- Choose Save on the WebTMA toolbar.
Work Orders Tab
The Work Orders Tab is a read-only window used to review open or closed Work Orders that pertain to the specific record. Sections on this window labeled Open Work Orders and Closed Work Orders filter the Work Orders for you.
For a quick description of the Work Order, expand a line to see details about the Task and Trade on the Work Order. Choose the Work Order number to open the Work Order record in a separate browser tab.
NOTE: Although new Work Orders created in WebTMA 7 only allow one Trade per Task, data converted from WebTMA v. 5.x may have multiple Trades for some Tasks. The following statement applies only to converted data: Any converted records display all Trades previously assigned to a Task. These are separated by a comma. The Trades are found in the Trade column on the Work Order Task grid.
Cost Tab
The Cost Tab on many location and item records displays the accumulated costs, both current and historical, relating to the record. With the exception of the Work Order / Cost Tab, this is a read-only Tab. Charges accumulate on this window as they are incurred. The values are not dependent on posting charges.
The Year-to-Date values are for your fiscal year and are based on your Fiscal year setting in Admin > Client Info / Preferences.
UDF Section
The UDF Section is available to record information or data that is not included in the predefined fields of a record. The Section is found on many windows. These are added by your WebTMA System Administrator.
You can also create corresponding UDF fields for two windows: Work Order and Request Log. If you create UDFs in the System Form Attributes window for each window and these share the same label and the same data type (i.e., Name and Type), the contents of the UDF field on your Request is carried to the corresponding UDF field on the Work Order when accepted.
These UDF fields can also be included on the Service Request Form / Layout Tab when System Administrators create new Service Request Forms.
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