Some of the Tabs on this window are identical to those on the Project window, while other Tabs concern billing, payments, and invoices (for those that use the Invoicing module).
A/P Payments
The A/P Payments Tab is used to record full or partial payments made to an outside vendor for the transaction. The Project Requisitions window enables the Tab when an item is chargeable.
Use of the Tab is limited to personnel with access to Accounting > Accounts Payable > A/P Payment window granted from Admin > User Management > Records / Window Access.
The A/P Payment Tab shows a list of payments made for the item including the date and amount.
Read-only fields at the bottom of the page summarize the original amount owed as well as the total of amounts paid and the outstanding balance.
Approval Routing History
The Approval Routing History Tab is associated with the Approval Routing module. This module is used by managers to approve transactions rather than the standard authorization process that is available with base WebTMA modules.
The read-only Approval Routing History Tab shows all authorizations for the record. When transactions require several levels of approval for more than one Route, they may be pending for a long time. Use the Tab to see each Route and each authorizor within that Route as well as any approvals that have been granted. Expand the line to view the levels of authorizors and actions.
The Attachment Tab includes several functions in three Sections: Contact, Note, and Task. Information recorded on the Attachment Tab applies exclusively to the record for which it is created.
When an Attachment is saved, it is linked to the current record. No Attachment data can be saved without a current record. Each Attachment Contact record is separate.
The Contact Section stores the name and other contact information (address, phone, email) for anyone you need to communicate with about the record.
The Note Section is used to add reminders or other information about the record.
The Task Section is used to record personal duties or actions for the individual user. These ‘tasks’ are not related to the Task Types established in Organization > Lookups.
How to Add Attachment Tab Information
To add information to the Attachment Tab:
- Navigate to the applicable record.
- Select the Attachments Tab.
- Choose Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.
- Select the Add (Contact, Note, or Task) link on the appropriate section.
- Complete as much information as needed on the flyout window that opens.
- Select the Save button on the flyout.
- Choose Save on the WebTMA toolbar.
Attachment Flyout Check Boxes
All Attachment flyout windows include Active and Private check boxes. Only the Contact flyout includes Mailing Address.
- Active - This check box is the same as Active check boxes on other windows. When checked, the information is available for display.
- Private - When checked, the information is available only to the person who created the record. If not checked, anyone who opens this record can see it.
- Mailing address - When checked, you can use the address for mailings.
How to Edit Attachment Information
To edit information in any of the three Sections (Contact, Notes, Tasks):
- Open the applicable record.
- Select the Attachments Tab.
- Choose Edit on the WebTMA toolbar
- Select the pencil icon on a line item.
- Make the desired changes.
- Select the Save button on the window.
- Choose Save on the WebTMA toolbar.
How to Delete Attachment Information
To remove a line in any of the three Sections (Contact, Notes, Tasks):
- Open the applicable record.
- Select the Attachments Tab.
- Choose Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.
- Select the trash can icon on the desired line item.
- Choose Save on the WebTMA toolbar.
Billing Info
The Billing Info Tab shows the distribution of charges and credits that will be applied using the Post Charges function.
Adding Charges
Charges can be added to this Tab only when the following conditions are met:
- The Charge or Chargeable check box on the Identity Tab is marked.
- A credit Account Number is entered where costs are normally incurred.
- Costs have been entered on the Identity Tab or the Work Order / Costs Tab.
Costs are entered on the Identity Tab of windows that have a Billing Info Tab, and they are also displayed by default; however, Work Orders are an exception. After costs are entered on the Work Order / Costs Tab, they are displayed by default on the Billing Info Tab. The optional Utility module allows you to divide charges among several accounts on the Billing Info Tab.
If an account number has been entered in the Account #, Account Charged, or Charge Account Code fields on the Identity Tab, the account number will be displayed on the Billing Info Tab. It is designated as a type of charge, and the full amount of any costs are applied to the single account.
The Billing Info Tab displays charge account entries only. Credit accounts cannot be added or edited using this Tab.
The charge and credit items on the Tab must be in balance in order to successfully use Accounting > Post Charges.
Billing Information Columns
The totals of the Credit and Debit lines on this Tab must balance or the charges cannot be posted when Post Charges is run.
The following define the columns in the Charges or Posted Charges Section on this Tab.
- Account # – the number in this field represents either the account charged or credited. The amount for the billing account is shown in the Credit column, and the amount for the credit account is shown in the Debit column.
- Charge Line Type – an entry of material, labor, fuel, etc. indicates a credit amount, and entry of a charge indicates a charge amount.
- Transaction Sub ID – a further description of the charge.
- Credit – the amount credited to an account.
- Debit – the amount debited from an account.
- Posted – the date and time amounts were posted.
- Date or Transaction Date – the date a charge is added to this window.
If your organization uses the optional Invoicing module, the Invoices Tab is visible provided your administration has set preferences for the specific window. The window displays line item details about any invoices that apply to the transaction.
Depending on the module, an A/P Payments Tab or an A/R Payments Tab is also visible. In some modules, the Invoices Tab includes an Accounts Payable Section, an Accounts Receivable Section, or both that serve the same purpose as the A/P Payments and A/R Payments Tabs.
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