Project Requisition Tabs - WebTMA 5

Comments Tab

The Comments Tab is a free-form field used to record additional information or ongoing details about the related record. Comments are used in many windows including Purchase Orders, Request for Quote, Purchase Requisitions, Sales, Equipment, and Estimates.

Other Tabs in WebTMA also include a free-form field similar to comments, such as the Corrective Action field on the Safety & Risk Subtab of the Work Order / Results window. Most Comments fields have a spell check option for you to amend your text if needed.

Ship To Tab

The Ship To Tab shows the name and address of the place to deliver shipments.

Select the location type and name of the place where an item is expected. The address in the read-only fields changes based on your location selection. The printed version of the item will also reflect the designated ship-to address.

Addresses are established in the various location records.

The Ship To Tab is found on the following windows:

  • Material Requests
  • Purchase Requisitions
  • Project Requisition
  • Request for Quote
  • Purchase Orders
  • Sales Orders

A free-form text field, Delivery Notes, is available for additional delivery instructions. If notes are added to a record that is converted to another, such as PR converted to PO, the notes are transferred to the new record.

For records created from the optional Stock Replenishment Wizard (SRW), Delivery Instructions in the Ship To section of the Warehouse record are transferred to the Delivery Notes field for RFQ, PR, or PO records created from SRW.

Notes added to the Project Requisition window are manual only and are not transferred to other records.

Billing Info Tab

The Billing Info Tab shows the distribution of charges and credits that will be applied using the Post Charges function. Using the Billing Info window, you can charge costs to multiple accounts on a single transaction.

The Tab is found on the following windows: Fuel & Oil, Sales Order, Project Requisition, and Work Order. WebTMA Enterprise users also have access to this Tab on the Estimate and Change Order windows. 

Charges can be added to this Tab only when the following conditions are met:

  • The Charge check box on the Identity Tab is checked
  • A credit account number is entered where costs are normally incurred
  • Costs have been entered on the Identity Tab or Work Order / Costs Tab

After costs are entered on the Costs Tab of a work order, they are displayed by default on this window. Costs are entered on the Identity Tab of other windows that have a Billing Info Tab, and they are also displayed by default.

If an account number has been entered in the Account # or Account Charged field on the Identity Tab, the account number will be displayed on the Billing Info Tab. It is designated as a type of charge, and the full amount of any costs are applied to the single account.

The Billing Info Tab displays charge account entries only. Credit accounts cannot be added or edited using this window.

The charge and credit items on the Tab must be in balance in order for the Post Charges function to be successful.


The UDF Tab is employed by advanced users to record information or data that is not included in the predefined fields of a record. The Tab is found on the fifty-six transaction windows. Labels are defined using the UDF Tab of the corresponding Lookup Type window, and the fields are searchable using the Search button the WebTMA toolbar. An exception is the Trade record. If you need to establish UDF labels for either the Trade or Technician window, go to the Organization > Repair Center > Trades / UDF Tab. The same instructions for adding Lookups UDF fields apply to the Trade window.

If you want to track the date a piece of equipment was installed, for example, you can create a field with that label in Lookups and add your own date on the UDF Tab for an item of that type. While you can view these custom fields, the fields are not supported on printouts.

These new fields/labels are added by your WebTMA System Administrator. Custom labels are determined in Organization > Lookups for many of the listed Lookup Types. Some UDF fields also have an icon available to select contents from a popup window.

Attachment Tab

This Tab is used with transactional records and includes several functions. The Tab is found on the following windows:

  • Contract
  • Purchase Requisition
  • Department
  • Request for Quote
  • Facility
  • Returns and Repairs
  • Projects
  • Sales Orders
  • Project Requisition
  • Vendors
  • Purchase Orders
  • Work Orders

The window includes the following Tabs: Contacts, Notes, and Tasks. The line items recorded on the Tasks Tab relate to personal duties for the individual user and are not related to the task types established in Organization > Lookups. Tasks entered for Attachments can also be added or viewed from File > My Task. If you have MyPage privileges, you can establish a My Task control to display your tasks on MyPage.

When an attachment is saved, it is linked to the current record. No attachment data can be saved without a current record.

Each attachment contact record is separate. It relates exclusively to the record to which it is attached.

A/P Payments Tab

The A/P Payments Tab is used to record full or partial payments made to an outside vendor for the transaction. The Tab is found on the following windows:

  • Project Requisition (Transaction > Project > Project Requisition)
  • Purchase Orders (Material > Purchase > Purchase Orders)
  • Utility Ticket (Organization > Utility > Utility Ticket)
  • Work Order (Transaction > Work Order > Records)

On the Work Order window, look to the Invoices Tab. A/P Payments is available as a Subtab on the page.

The Project Requisition window enables the Tab when an item is chargeable.

On Purchase Orders, the Tab is disabled based on Admin > Preference settings and when the Purchase Order record has been closed.

For Utility Tickets, the ticket must be chargeable and have a Master or Standard utility Type.

Use of the Tab is limited to personnel with access to Accounting > Accounts Payable > A/P Payment window granted from Admin > User Management > Records / Window Access.

The A/P Payment Tab shows a list of payments made for the item including the date and amount.

Read-only fields at the bottom of the page summarize the original amount owed as well as the total of amounts paid and the outstanding balance.

The Add Payment link is enabled in View mode only. 

Invoices Tab

This Tab is found on the following windows in WebTMA Enterprise:

  • Department (A/R)
  • Rentals (A/R)
  • Expense Tickets (A/R)
  • Sales Order (A/R)
  • Gas Tickets (A/R)
  • Utility Ticket (A/P & A/R)
  • Project Requisition (A/P)
  • Vendor (A/P)
  • Purchase Order (A/P)
  • Work Order (A/P & A/R)

If your organization uses the Invoicing module, the Invoices Tab is visible if your administration has set preferences for the specific window. The Purchase Order / Invoices Tab handles matching invoices and does not have the same rules or behavior as all the other windows listed.

Depending on the window, the Tab displays an Accounts Payable Subtab indicated by A/P in the previous list or an Accounts Receivable Subtab (A/R). The Work Order and Utility Ticket windows have both Subtabs.

The window displays line item details about any invoices that apply to the transaction.

The Vendor window shows all payable transactions listed above and an extra column to identify the transaction type.

The Department window shows all receivable transactions listed above and an extra column to identify the transaction type.

Browse Tab

Most pages in WebTMA include a Browse Tab. The default for this page shows a list of records in the system related to the particular module and the repair centers associated with the person who is logged in. Double-click a line item to open the selected record, or click the underlined identifying number.

When the New Window check box is marked at the top of the window, the record opens in a separate browser window instead of replacing the contents of the current window.

Click the various column headings to sort the list based on the selected column. If you want a Multi-Column Sort, click the Sort By... button at the bottom of the window to open the Multi-Column Sort popup window and select up to three columns.

To rearrange columns, move the cursor across the header until it changes to a four-pointed arrow BtnArrowFourPoints. Click and drag the column to a new position. The window saves the changed column sequence for the logged-in user.

Rearranged columns for custom queries are saved for the owner only. While other users can change the columns when viewing Public and Public/No Edit queries, the column arrangement returns to the sequence saved by the person who created the query when other users exit the page.

If you have manually rearranged the columns and want to return all columns to the default sequence, click the Reset button at the bottom of the window.

To limit the number of lines returned on one page, you can use the Page Size field. Type the number of lines you want to include on a page in the field at the lower right of the window, and click the Page Size button. When the window refreshes, the new number of lines displays in the grid, and the new number shows at the lower right.

Depending on your privileges, you may be able to create or use custom queries. Custom queries can be edited, deleted, and exported to an Excel spreadsheet. Custom Query Buttons shows the query toolbar properties, and How to Create a Basic Custom Query illustrates how to add a new query.

If your Admin / User Management / Records / Preferences settings restrict queries, the custom queries you see may be restricted. You may not be able to edit or delete public queries, because separate access settings can prevent you from changing the public browse query. Query Settings for Users outlines how this access affects your queries. Contact your WebTMA System Administrator if you have difficulty with a custom query.



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