Project Identity Tab - WebTMA 7

Path: Transactions > Project > Records / Identity

The Project / Identity window displays the fields for adding a Project record. Information relevant to managing a Project is contained in the record. Once it is added, detailed information pertinent to the Project is available at a glance.

Only a few fields are required when adding a Project record, but the remaining fields provide beneficial information and should be populated whenever possible. In addition, some of the elective fields are critical for Project reporting.

How to Add Projects

  1. Choose Add on the WebTMA toolbar.
  2. Type the Project # if your organization does not use auto-numbering for Projects.
  3. Enter the Name of the Project.
  4. Accept the Date Requested (default is the current system date) or change if desired.
  5. Select the Type.
  6. Choose Save on the WebTMA Toolbar to save the Project record.

For basic Projects, start creating Work Orders from the Work Order window as soon as you save the Project. Remember to specify the WO Type Description as a Project on the new Work Order record.

Advanced Projects use other Tabs on the Project window, such as Costs & Budgeting or Tasks & Resources.


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Visit the WebTMA Help Page

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