Path: Transactions > Time Manager > Time & Attendance
The Time & Attendance function allows you to review, edit, approve, and add Technician's time records. This can be applied to one Technician or many depending on the fields you use to filter the results.
In addition, custom queries created from Find on this window can be saved and selected from your Dashboard to see results such as 'Number of Hours Complete by WO Type' or 'Labor Hours by Priority'.
The window gives you the option of a Grid View (the default) or Calendar View. The Start Date and End Date fields are enabled only in the Grid View. T
The Action Menu includes links to add and delete lines such as Add Labor Line, Batch Attendance, and Delete Selected. The Delete Selected removes a line from view on this window, not from the database.
The Batch Attendance link on the Action Menu is used to add time and related information to several work and non-work (indirect) labor lines at one time.
You can view Labor Lines based on the following: Technician, Time Type, Trade, Start and End Date, Work Time, Non-Work Time (or both).
Use the Export Selected or Export All buttons to send the desired lines to an Excel spreadsheet.
About Dates in Time & Attendance
The Start Date and End Date fields in the Quick Filter Section are read-only in Calendar View. In this view, date selection and display of date ranges is controlled using buttons immediately above the calendar. These buttons allow you to view by Day, Week, Month, or Timeline. In addition, you can click the arrow buttons next to the Today button at the left end of the button section to move forward or backward in either the Calendar or Timeline view. The arrows also correspond to the selection of Day, Week, or Month, i.e., if Month is selected, one click of the arrow takes you to the next or previous month. The same applies to day or week selections.
When you switch from Grid View to Calendar View, the Start Date and End Date fields reflect the Calendar View rules, i.e., the full month designated by the Start Date. If you return to Grid View, the Start Date and End Date fields retain these dates from the Calendar View.
Time & Attendance Action Menu
The links on the Time & Attendance window Action Menu are available in both (Grid View and Calendar View). The only difference is that the Calendar item selection method is to select a color block, which is then surrounded by a black line, whereas the Grid View includes a check box at the beginning of the line, which is marked to select the line.
- Approve Time Entries applies to the optional Time Card Approval feature.
- Revoke Approval applies to the optional Time Card Approval feature.
- Add Labor Line is used to add additional labor lines to the Time & Attendance window.
- Batch Attendance records the same number of hours for several Technicians.
- Delete Selected is used to remove an entry from view.
How to View Time & Attendance Lines
Use the fields in the Quick Filter Section to establish the criteria for selecting labor entries. In your selected view, Calendar or Grid, choose the date using the various date buttons or the Start Date and End Date fields in Grid View.
- Choose the date range.
- (Optional) Enter or select the Technician ID code.
- (Optional) Select Time Type and Trade to refine the search.
- (Optional) Clear one of the check boxes, Show Work Time or Show Non-Work Time, if you want to see only one category.
If any time lines fit the criteria you set, the line items display. You can add more labor lines or edit existing lines.
How to Add Labor Line
To add additional labor lines to the Time & Attendance window:
- Choose the Add Labor Line link on the Action Menu to open the Labor Entry flyout.
- Complete the required fields. Note: If this is Work Order time, the Work Order # field is required.
- Complete elective fields as needed. The Account # field is used only if the Work Order is chargeable. If the time costs are not chargeable, be sure to mark the No Charge check box.
- Select the Save button on the flyout.
- Choose Save on the WebTMA toolar.
Use the Save & Add or Save & Clone buttons to select a new code in the Technician field and add labor lines for another Technician.
Text entered in the Labor Comments field of the Comment Section is inserted above any existing General Comments on the Work Order. If you enter General Comments on multiple line items for the same Work Order, the Labor Comments are added as they are processed, with no guarantee of the sequence in which they appear.
Charges for labor can also be added using the Quick Post Time & Labor window.
Batch Attendance
Select several Technicians to record the same number of hours for direct or indirect time and apply the hours to all from the Batch Attendance flyout.
- Choose the Batch Attendance link on the Action Menu.
- Complete the required fields: Trade, Date/Time, Hours, and Time Type Code.
- Check names in the Technicians grid.
- (Optional) Add Comments to clarify circumstances if needed.
- Select Add & Close on the flyout. *
- (Optional) Review entries for possible changes.
- Choose Save on the WebTMA toolbar.
The entries display on the Time & Attendance window. If you want to delete a line, you can choose the trash can icon to remove it. Note that these changes are only applied to the database when you select the Save button on the WebTMA toolbar after the display returns to the Time & Attendance window.
* The Add & Close button is a shortcut that handles both steps at once. It adds the selected names to the Applied Attendance Section, saves the change, and closes the window. If you want to review the names or make changes, choose the Add Attendance button. You have the option to select one or more lines in the Applied Attendance Section, change field contents in the Batch Attendance Selection Section, and select the Update Selected button. Choose the Save button below the Applied Attendance grid to save your changes and close the Batch Attendance flyout.
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