Time & Attendance - WebTMA 7

Path: Transactions > Time Manager > Time & Attendance

The Time & Attendance function allows you to review, edit, approve, and add Technician's time records. This can be applied to one Technician or many depending on the fields you use to filter the results.

In addition, custom queries created from Find on this window can be saved and selected from your Dashboard to see results such as 'Number of Hours Complete by WO Type' or 'Labor Hours by Priority'.

The window gives you the option of a Grid View (the default) or Calendar View. The Start Date and End Date fields are enabled only in the Grid View. T

The Action Menu includes links to add and delete lines such as Add Labor Line, Batch Attendance, and Delete Selected. The Delete Selected removes a line from view on this window, not from the database.

The Batch Attendance link on the Action Menu is used to add time and related information to several work and non-work (indirect) labor lines at one time.

You can view Labor Lines based on the following: Technician, Time Type, Trade, Start and End Date, Work Time, Non-Work Time (or both).

Use the Export Selected or Export All buttons to send the desired lines to an Excel spreadsheet.



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